E shtune, 27.04.2024, 04:10 PM (GMT+1)


Margarit Nilo: Kush ini ju grek...?

E merkure, 26.03.2014, 07:52 PM

Pjese nga fjalori etmologjik i greq. lashte: 'E VERTETA - Kush ini ju grek...?'

Nga Prof. Margarit Nilo

Ketu vertetohet se greqishtia e lashte eshte e formuluar prei shqipes (me bashkime te fialve te shqipes, qe u be ne koen e lindies se shkrimit ne Greqin e Lasht, ku jan shtu edhe mbaresat; -ku si baze jan foliet shqipe 'hy = i' dhe 'ry = ri' te ndertuara me gjith lloiet e zanoreve, per te kriuar diversitet midis fialve, qe fialet te en te dallushme nga nira-tietra).

Shenim: 'perkthimet e fialve(te dhena nga gjutaret grek, nga greq. e lashte ne greqishten e sotme) jan ato me shkrim te çelur(= light = lla'it) qe jan perkthyer ne shqip nga une'.

Piesa e par


‘a’ ne krye te fialve ka kuptimet: 1- a = i = hy, -kuptim qe e marin te gjitha zanoret(i; e; o; u);  2- a = asht; po, -ne kuptimet qe perdor veriu shqiptar ’a ba, a piek, a dieg etj’;  -dhe 3- a = jo;  -kto (j)an 3 kuptimet qe ka ‘a’ kur ndodhet ne krie te ni fiale, etj.

????'?? - a-gji'ro [a + gji - ir = a(asht) + qe - hyr = hyn, fut; mbleth, grumbullon;  -me gr. e sotme do qe: 'ine - pu - beni', perputhia esht vetem me shqipen], thon [???'???? - jo e sigurt orgjina, e pa vertetuar] = kuptimet e dhena ne fialoret greke jane: mbleth, bashkoi, grumbulloi.

?????' - a-gora' [a + go - ra = a + q - ra(ry) = ryn, grumbullohet; turm/ ryn; blen; kemben;  -me gr. e sotme do qe: 'ine + pu - beni', si kudo perputhia eshte vetem me shqipen], thon nga [????'??] = kuptimet e fiales te dhena ne fialoret grek jane: vend i grumbullimit te popullit; pazar; grumbulli i nierezve ne pazar/ bleria, maria e ni malli; shitia.


Gjat zberthimit kemi ber edhe kthimet ne ‘y’ dhe ’h’ te cilat nuk kan qene ne ate periudhe; -pra ’i, a, e, o, u = hy/ ish, eshte/ jo;  in=hyn;  ra, ri etj = ry;  is = hysh; ish; -etj’.


????????'? - agoras-ti's [agoras + t - is = bleres + t – ish; -me greq. e sotme do qe: ‘agoras – na – ine’], nga [?????'??] = kuptimi i dhen nga greket: ai qe vete per blerie.


??'?? - e'ma [e(hy) - ma = hy - ba = qe hyn – ba = gjak], thon [???'???? - jo e sigurt orgj. e fiales],  -me gr. e sotme do qe: 'bi - kani', perputhia esht vetem me shqipen] = kuptimet e dhena nga greket: gjaku, gjaku i ni gjallese/ vrasie, therie/ lidhie gjaku, fis; origjin.


E kemi thene ne parathenie se jo gjith fialet e greq. se lashte perputhen me fialet e sotme te shqipes, por zberthimi i tyre beet(baet) vetem me shqipen dhe aspak me greqishten e sotme.


???'? - e-o'n [e-on = esht - hyn = q - hyn = hyn; iken, kalon = ko’e; mosh, etj;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ‘ine - bi’, perputhia si kudo eshte vetem me shkipen] = kuptimet e dhena nga gjutaret greke jane: periudhe, periudhe e vitit/ stine; koh/ periudhe iete; ieta e niriut/ moshe/ brez i ni moshe nierzish te ietuar ne ni periudhe te caktuar/ periudhe shume vieçare; shekull// periudhe kohe e pa mbarim.


???'???? – eo’nios [eo'n – i - os = ko’e - i(hy) – ish;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ‘eon – bi - ine’, -perputhia eshte vetem me shkipen, se edhe ‘eo’n’ zbertheet vetem me shkipen], nga [??'??] = kuptimet e dhena nga gjutaret grek jane: periudhe kohe e gjate.


?'?????(= ????'?? = aga'thi = gjemb; etj) = [a'kan-thi = 1- gjemb; mai - t - i(ish);  2- a(jo) + k - an(hyn) - t - ish = i veshtir;  -ku: 'akan = gjemb, mai = a - k - an = a - q - an(hyn)';  -me gr. e sotme spiegimi i fundit do qe: 'akan = a - k - an(hyn) = ine - pu - beni, -ne greqisht = gjemb', si kudo perputhia ne zberthim eshte vetem me shkipen] = kuptimet nga gjutaret greke jane: hosten, bodec, thumb; gjemb, çdo bim me gjemba; halat(gjembat e peshkut); çpimi, thumbimi/ veshtiresi.


???'? - a-ki'n [a(jo) + k - in = jo + q - hyn = jo hyn, jo levis;  -me gr. e sotme do qe: 'oki - pu - beni', si kudo perputhia eshte vetem me shkipen], nga [???'] = kuptimet e dhena nga vet gjutaret greke jane: ngadal, me qetsi.


????' - akmi' [a-k-m-i(hy) = asht - q - m(b) - i(hy) = asht qe ben hy = hyn, futet/ mai; kre; teh, pres; kulm;  -me gr. e sotme do qe: 'ine - pu - kani - bi', si kudo perputhia eshte vetem me shkipen], thon nga [?-??'???] = kuptimet e dhena nga vet gjutaret greke jane: maia, teha e preses se çfardo arme qe çpon apo pret; piesa me e lart e ni peme(mali etj)/ zeniti(kur dielli eshte pingul); kulmi i ni stine;  kulmi i shperthimit te luleve/ kulmi, momenti me i mir i çdo gjei/ çdo gje me mai/ piekuri maksimale; piekuri seksuale, arritie ne kulm.


?'??? - a'kra [a + kra = asht + kre = asht + fillimi, maia, kreu, ajo qe ryn e para; me e rendesishmia, kryesoria ;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ’ine – qefali’;  -kurse 'kra; kre = k - re(ry) = q - ry = maia; koka; kreu(ajo qe ryn e para)';  -me greqishten e sotme do qe 'k - re = pu - beni';  si kudo perputhia eshte vetem me shkipen] = kuptimet e dhena nga vet gjutaret greke jane: fundet, ekstremet, fillimi dhe fundi i ni diçkaie, skaiet; piesa me e siperme e ni trupi(kre = kok, mai)/(koka) qendra kryesore, qendra dreituse per çdo gje/ piesa me e rendesishme e fortifikuar(rrethuar), kalaia, forte'sa kryesore(akro'poli).


?'???? - a'kro-s [a(asht) + kro(kre) - ish = akri, kre, kok; mai;  -me gr. e sotme do qe: 'ine + qefali - ine', si kudo perputhia eshte vetem me shkipen] = kuptimet e dhena nga vet gjutaret greke jane: mai, kre, kok, fillimi, fillimi i ni trupi te zgjatur, piesa e siperme e ni trupi, kreu; i fillimit; fillimi, hyria/ ekstremet e zgjatura te ni trupi, kembet, duart/ kreu(paria) i ni shoqerie/ i skaishem, ekstremist, i dhunshem, nevrik i pa permbaitur/ maia e ni peme apo mali, piesa me e lart e ni trupi; siperfaqe e ni trupi/ gje e zmadhuar me shume se sa duhet, hiperbolike.


??????'???? - akro-ti'-rion [akri(= kre, an, buz, mai , kok) + te rin(te ryn); -ku: ‘akri = a(asht) – k – ri(ry) = asht – q – ry = hyria, fillimi, kreu’;  -ose: 'a(asht) - kri = asht - kre = kreu, koka, fillimi';  -me gr. e sotme do qe: 'akri - na - beni', si kudo perputhia eshte vetem me shkipen] = kuptimet e dhena nga vet gjutaret greke jane: çdo ane, breg, buze, skai, pies ansore(e tokes, detit, anies, e ni rrobe); buzet e takimit, futia e aneve te 2 sendeve apo vendeve tek niri-tietri, buzet ansore te takimit te 2 gjerave/ ekstremet(kemb,duar,kok) te ni trupi/ buzet e çatise se shtepise/ vendet e ngritura ku fiksohen skulpturat.


????' - akti' [a-k-t-i(hy) = a-q-t-i(hy) = hyria, ana, buza, bregu/ qe hyn, e imet, etj;  -afersisht si: 'akros'/ -dhe: çdo gje qe i(hy);  -me gr. e sotme do qe: 'ine - pu - na - bi', perputhia si kudo eshte vetem me shqipen], nga [????'?] = kuptimet e dhena nga vet gjutaret greke jane: bregdet; gadishull; shkemb i fut ne det/ lartesi/ çdo gje qe rrihet e coptohet, bluhet, behet i imet si pluhur qe futet(gruri i rrahur, mielli, buka)/ çdo gje e imet apo me mai qe ka vetin e futies diku tieter, apo qe i(= hy = ndan); çdo gje e futur; çdo gje ku mund te futet diçka(arkivol, varr; themelet e ni ndertese)/ futia, fitimi nga ni biznes; pasuria; -dhe çdo gje tieter qe i(= hy, futet, ryn).


????'? - akti's [a + k-t-is = a(hy) + k – t – is = hy-q-t-ish;  -apo: a + k – t – i(hy) – is = a + q – t – hy - ish;  -me gr. e sotme do qe: 'ine + pu - na - bi - ine', perputhia si kudo eshte vetem me shqipen], (ne Sanskrite, 'aktu' = a - k - t - i(hy) = a(asht) - q - t - hy' = rreze, rrezatim/ nate) = rreze, ndriçim/ çdo gje qe del dhe largohet nga ni qender; rrezet e ni rrote qerre; rrezet e diellit; rrufe/ dita/ fama, lavdia/ çdo gje qe hyn(deperton).


???????'? - ama-dru-a's [a'-ma + dru - is = hy ba(krimb) + dru + as(asht) = hy - ba + dru + asht = krimb druri asht;  -me gr. e sotme do qe: 'bi - kani + ksillo - ine', si kudo perputhia eshte vetem me shkipen], nga [?'?? + ???'? = krimb+dru] = kuptimi i dhene nga gjutaret greke eshte: larva, krimbi i druve.


????'????? - anti'-fas-is [anti - fash(thash) - ish], nga [????'????- anti-fi'mi = anti - fem(them);   -fial qe nuk perdoret fare ne greqisht por qe esht ne perdorim ne gjith Shqiperin e mesme dhe te veriut dhe qe eshte zhdukur nga fialori i shqipes, duke qen ne perdorim ne gjysmen e Shqiperis(ne veri)] = kuptimet e dhena nga gjutaret greke jane: kontradikte me fial(fash, thash)/ propozim i kundert/ pergjigje/ debat/ anti thenie/ anti fem(them).


????'???? - anti'-fimi [anti - fem(them)], nga [????'+????] = flas kunder dikuit/ kundershtoi, anti fem(them).


?????'? - antli'a [1- anti + l - i(hy) - a = anti + le - hy - asht = e nxier;  -dhe: 2- an - t - li - a = hyn - t - le - a = qe hyn;  -rasti '1' me greq. e sotme do qe: 'anti + afini - bi - ine' asni perputhie, perputhia ne zberthim si kudo esht vetem me shqipen], nga [?'?????] = kuptimi i dhene nga vet gjutaret grek eshte: vendi ne te cilin grumbullohet ui/ mieti me te cilin pompohet(nxiret) ui/ hambari i anies/ ui i barkut te anies.


????'???? - a-pi'i-t-os [a(jo) + bë - t - ish;  -me gr. e sotme do qe: 'a + kani - na - ine', si kudo perputhia eshte vetem me shkipen], nga [?+????'?-?] = kuptimet e dhena nga vet gjutaret grek jane: jo be, e pa be, qe nuk u be/ qe nuk mund te behet/ e pa dreitushme, e pa rregullushme/ e pa be, e pa mbaru/ e pa pershtatshme/ e thiesht.


E kemi thene edhe ne parathenie se ne lashtesi nuk ka pas ‘b = bë, ba’, eshte fut me vone dhe ka zvendesuar format ‘fa, pa, ma’ dhe disa here ‘v,vë’.


???????'??? - apo-kali'pto [ap, hap + mbulesen(= kalimen) = zbuloi;  -‘kali’ma = mbulese = ka – l – i(hy) – ma = qe – le – hy – ba = qe hyn, qe vesh, qe mbulon; kali’dhe’], nga [???' + ????'???] = zbuloi, hek mbulesen(kalimen)/ zbuloi, bei te dukshme// zbulohem, behem i dukshem.


?????'????? - apo-ka'lips-is [ap(hap) + mbules - ish = zbuloi] = hap mbulesen(kalimen), zbulim.


?'?????? - a'-tritos [a(jo) + t - ri(ry) - t - is = jo ryn/ jo çpon;  -me gr. e sotme do qe: 'oki + na - bi - na - ine', si kudo perputhia eshte vetem me shkipen] = e pa çpushme// ai qe nuk shpon(qe nuk ryn).


?'?????? - a'-tritos [a(jo) + t - ri(ry) - t - ish = jo ryn], nga [?-(jo) + ???'?] = kuptimet e dhena nga vet gjutaret greke jane: jo perulet(ryn), jo nenshtrohet/ i pa lodhur; qe nuk nderpritet// i ngathet, qe nuk levis(ryn) shpeit/ (rruga) e keqe, e veshtir; e pa kalushme, qe smund te rysh.


????' - auli'(avlli’) [a - u - li = a(asht) - u(hy) - le;  -me greq. e sotme do qe 'ine - bi - afini'; -perputhia eshte vetem me shqipen] = vend i rrethuar pran shpis/ vend i rrethuar per bagtit(stall/ vath)/ shpi banimi.


????????'? - aulo-pi-os [auli(avlli’) - be - ish;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: 'auli - kani - ine', -perputhia eshte vetem me shqipen], nga [????'? + ????'?] = ai qe ben auli(avlli). (rastet 'pi, fi, mi, vi' tashme jan zvendesuar me 'bi = be, bei').


?? (= Vv; Bb)


??'???? - ve'ome [beem(ekziston ne menyr orgjinale vetem ne shqip.;  -kurse ne greq. e sotme nuk ekziston) = ve(= be) - o(hyi) - me = ve(be) - hyi - be = hyi; levis, (j)am i gjall], nga [??'?? = v'ios] = (j)etoi; behem(rritem; levis).


??'? - vi'a [v - i(hy) - a = v(b) - hy - a = hyi; bei te hyi; eci para me shpeitesi;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ‘kano – bi – ine’, si kudo perputhia eshte vetem me shkipen] = rrembim, ecie me rrembim/ nxitim, shpeitesi/ force, perdorim force, perdorim dhune/ imponim me forc, perdorim dhune.


?????'??? - vie-o'-t-is [forc + o(hy) - t - ish] = te nxitosh/ te dhunosh; te perdoresh force. (me greek e sotme do qe: 'via - bi(hy) - na - ine', perputhia eshte vetem me shqipen).


???'?????? - vla's-fimos [b-lash + fem - os = lashoi - fem(them) - eshte = flas, fem, them] = ai qe flet keq/ ai ben hapien e fialve te keqe, qe hap fam te keqe.




??'?? - ga'la [1- g - a(hy; ha) - la = q - hy(ha) - le(= be);  -2- g - al(yll) - a = yll(=e bardhe si yll) - ashte; yll(i pari ashte)] = haet; piet; ushqim/ qumesh(i bardh si yll)] = qu'mesh, ta'mli;  klumesh(=gala).


????'?????? - gala'ktinos [????(qumesh) + k-t-in - os(eshte); -(gala + pu-na-beni - ine, -do qe me greq. e sotme, -ku edhe 'ga'la' spiegohet vetem me shqipen) = gala + q-t-hyn-eshte = ne gala qe hyn, gala ber, i ber nga gala(= nga qumshi)], nga [??'??] = prei qumeshi; prodhim qumesh/ i bardhe, i bardhe si qumesh.


???????????'? - gala-kto-posi-a [qumesh(klumesh) + k-te + pish - a(ashte) = qumesh + q-te-pish-a(ashte);  -apo: qumesh + posi-a = qumesh + pish - a], nga [??????? - ??'???(potis)] = pirie qumshi/ ushqim me prodhime qumshi/ qumesh besh(punosh).


Me greek e sotme do te qe: 'ga'la + pu-na - pino - ine';  -ku edhe vet fiala 'ga'la' zberthehet vetem me shqipen.


?????????'??? - gala-k-to-po'-tis [gala(qumesh) + k(q) - te - pi - t-ish;  -ose: 'galaktos + po - t - is = qumesh + pi - t - ish'], nga [??'?? + ??'???(??'??)] = ai qe pi qumesh, ai qe ushqehet me qumesh. (me greek e sotme do qe: 'gala + pu - na - pi - na - ine', -kur me shqipen zberthimi eshte i plote perfshi edhe vet fialen 'gala').


???????'? - gal-uqe'-o [gala - uçe' = gala(qumesh) + ushqe;  -ku: 'uqe' = uçe' = ushqe' = u-ç-e = u(hy) – k – e(eshte) = ushqe; hyn; pi'], thon nga... [??'?? + ???(= eko = kam)] = ushqehem me qumesh, pi qumesh/ (metaforik): ushqei; i (j)ap di'e.


(me greek e sotme do qe: 'gala + trefome').


???o?'????? - gala-u'qis-is [gala - uqis - is = qumesh(klumesh) - ushqesh-ish;  -nga: ‘galukis = gala – u(hy) – q – is’;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ’gala – bi – pu – ine/ -ose: gala - trefome - ine’, -perputhia si kudo eshte vetem me shqipen], nga [???????'?] = buzzenia(thithia e qumeshtit me buze); ushqimi me qumesh/ ushqim.


??'??? - gje'mos [gje - mush = qe - mush(mbush)], nga [??'??] = shum, plot/ mbushie e plot/ ngarkese e plot, barre e plot.


??????'???? - gjene-ti'rios [gje'ne + ti - ri - os = lindie, krii’m + te - ry - esht = ai qe 'te ry(nis; ben) krii'min';  ai qe 'lindie + te - ry - esht'], nga [????-xhe'ne(ge'ne)] = ai qe lind(krio'n); ai qe ndikon ne krii'm(lindien) e diçkaie/ ai qe hyn ne lindiet, ai qe lind. (me greqishten e sotme do qe: 'gje’ne + na - beni - ine' asni perputhie kur me shqipen perputhia esht e plote).


??'??? - gje'nna [gje - en - a = gje - hyn - a = hyria, burimi, nisia; lindia, krii'mi/ qe hyn, qe (n)gjan, soi, rrac, fis, gen;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ‘pu – beni – ine’, perputhia si kudo esht vetem me shkipen] thon [???'???? - pa ditur(orgjina e fiales)] = lindia, origjina, rraca, soi/ prodhim, krii'm/ lindie e femi's.


????'(= ?????'??, ??????'?, etj) - gjini' [gji - ini = qe - hyn = qe hyn, qe piell, qe lind; qe prodhon;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ’pu – beni’, si kudo perputhia esht vetem me shkipen], nga [??'?-] = grua, femer, zoi, zoiushe; grua shtepiake; bashkshorte.



???''???'? - dai-kti'r [dai + k-t-ir = ndai + q-t-hyr = e dan, e ndan;  -me gr. e sotme do qe: 'horizi + pu - na - bi', perputhia esht vetem me shqipen], nga [???'??] = kuptimet e dhena nga vet gjutaret greke jane: ai qe dan, qe pret, qe copton/ qe ther, qe vret, vra'ses. Sinoni'me: daikti's, dai'ktor.


????'???? - dhate'ome [date'ome = da - te - o(hy) - me(be) = nda-te-hy-be;  -nga: 'da' = d - a(hy) = te - hy = hyn, da, nda'] = dai/ dai me dysh/ dai diçka me dike tie'ter. (me gr. e sotme do te qe: 'mirazo + na - bi - kani',  -kur me shqipen perputhia eshte e plote).


????'???? - dhati'rios [da + t-iri-os = da(nda) + t-hyri-esht] = ai qe ndan diçka;  -me gr. e sotme eshte: 'mira'zi(hori'zi) + na - bi - ine',  -asni perputhie(as ne rrez e as ne mbares) perputhia me shqipen esht  e plot dhe kio eshte per gjith fialet e greq. se lasht.


??????'? - dhatiti's [da' + t-i(hy)-t-is = da', nda' + t-hy-t-ish = nda te hysh, da te besh] = ai qe dan. (me gr. e sotme do te qe: 'mirazi + na - beni - na - ine' kur me shqipen perputhia esht e plote).


??'????? - dhe'kome [de + ko-me = do + qe - be;  -nga: 'de', de'o = du, dua = d - e(hy) = te hyi, te afroi, te mar; te dua = de, do, dua'], nga [??'? = de, do; dua, kam nevo'i] = kuptimet e dhena nga vet gjutaret greket jane: de, do, dua, prano'i, kam nevoi/ ma'rr, etj. Si [??'????? = de’kome].


???'?? - dhra'ma [d - ra(ry) - ma = t - ry - ba = ryn; ndoth; ndodhi/ te ryn, te ngarkohet, detyre;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ’na – bi - kani’, si kudo perputhia esht vetem me shkipen], nga [???’? = dra’o = d(t) – rao = t - ryi] = dram, vepri'm/ ndodhi, ngja'rie/ veper teatra'le/ tragjedi'/ detyrim; detyre.


???????????’? - dhrama-to-pie'o [drama + te - pieo(bei);  -me greq. e sotme do qe: 'drama + na - ka'no', si kudo perputhia esht vetem me shqipen], nga [???????????'?] = bei dra'ma/ dramatizo'i diçka.


???????????’? - dhrama-to-pio's [drama + to - pi - os = drama + te - be - esht], nga [???’?? + ????’?(bei)] = ai qe ben dra'ma per tea'ter. (fiala esht shqip, me gr. e sotme do te qe: 'drama + na - kani - ine').


?????’? - dhrimi's [d - ri - mi - is = t - ry - be - ish = qe ryn, qe deperton, qe hyn, qe ryn, qe futet;  -me gr. e sotme do qe: 'na - bi – kani - ine', asni perputhie, perputhia si kudo esht vetem me shqipen;  -ose: 'drimi's = d - rim(=rin) - is = t - ryn - esht/  -ose: q - ryn - esht', se 'k=q' esht kuptimi baze i tere bashktinglloreve te alfabetit, por esht ber me bashketingllore te ndryshme qe fialet te en te dallushme nga nira-tietra], thon [?’?????? - pa niour orgj.] = kuptimet e dhena nga vet gjutaret greke jane: depertu's, i mpret, i holl, çierres/ die'ges/ i hidhur/ i mprete; me mai, me teh te mpre'hte; i eger, i ashper, i rrembyer, depertus/ ietsor, i gjall/ i nxet, dieges; nevrik/ i afte, i zo'ti.


???’??? - dhro'mos [d - ro(ry) - mo - is = t - ry - bo - ish/  -ose: t(q) - ry - b - os(esht) = qe ryn, qe futet para, udheton; vrapon/ ryn, sulmon, futet;  -me gr. e sotme do qe: 'na - bi - kani - ine/  -ose: pu - bi - kani - ine', si kudo perputhia esht vetem me shqipen], thon nga [??????’?(= drami’n); -nga: ??’? = t – eo(hyi),  ose: ???’?? = tre’ko = t – re(y) – k - o)] = vrapi'm/ vend per vrapim/ she'sh/ ndeshie, gare; luftim/ ndeshie ne rruge/ udhetim/ stadiu'm/ rruge, u'dhe/ rruge(piste) ne stadiu'm.



??’??? - i'-ron [i(ish) + ryn = ryn, çpon; ngacmon; pyet], thon [???’??? - jo e vertetu] = ai qe ironizon, qe te tiera mendon dhe te tiera thot, ai qe tall/ talles; mashtrus/ ngacmus.


???????’? = iron-i'-a(asht) [tallie; çpim, ngacmim – i(hy; ben) - a] = tallie, ngacmim, shpim me fiale/ ben sikur s’di gje per diçka.


?????????'? - irone-uti's [ironi + u(hy) - t - ish;  -me gr. e sotme do qe: 'ironi + bi - na - ine', -perputhia si kudo eshte vetem me shqipen] = ai qe ironizon(tall, shpon, ngacmon)/ ai qe ben sikur s'kupton.


??(= ??? = is(hysh, ose 'i - is = hy - ish')) = en [en(= hyn) = hyn; hyria, fillimi, nisia = ni(nji, një) ne shqip, pra siç shiet ka qen me e dreit dhe me e rregullt forma veriore 'ni';  -ne shqip 'nj' esht futur vone(nga arbereshi De Rada), sipas librit qe flet mbi kongresin e Manastirit, kongres qe u be nga patriotet shqiptare per rivendosien e shkrimit te shqipes (ne Maqedoni, në Manastir) ne 1908)] - ni, numri ni.


?'?????? - e'r-kho-me [hyr - qe - me(be) = hyi, shkoi para/ hyi, futem;  -me gr. e sotme do qe: 'bi - pu - kano', si kudo perputhia eshte vetem me shqipen], thon [???'???? - e pa sigurt, -thon ndoshta nga  *h?'?-??-???] = kuptimet e dhena nga gjutaret grek jane: udhetoi; vi'; shkoi diku/ vi' per ndim/ fus ne men diçka/ udhetoi me anie/ jam, ndodhem/ ndoth/ dal; lind; kriohem/ bashkbisedoi me dike/ perplasem me dike/ hyi ne diçka te pa niofur/ ndeshem(luftoi) me dike/ rritem, zmadhohem/ dua, dashuroi/ provoi diçka/ perqendrohem ne diçka.


??????'? - es-khati'a [1- es + ka - t - i(hy) - a = esht + qe - t - hy - a = qe hyn = mai, kre/ kufiri, ana, buza, fillimi(mbarimi), hyria;  -2- es(hysh) + ka - te - a = hysh + qe - te - ish = qe hyn = mai, kre/ kufiri;  -ne se do e zberthenim spiegimin '1' me greqishten e sotme do qe: 'ine + pu - na - bi - ine' asni perputhie, perputhia si kudo eshte vetem me shqipen], nga [?'??????] = kuptimet e dhena nga vet gjutaret greke jane: mai; kre; fillim, hyrie/ kufiri i ni vendi/ piesa me e lart, maia e ni mali.



E???'?? - Euro'pe [e - ur - ope = esht - hyr - ope(pamia) = hyn(humbet) pamia = perendimi;  -e kunderta e 'Asi(= lindie) = a - si(pamie, shikim) - i(hy);  -dhe: as - i = asht - i(hy) = hyria, lindia', ose 'orient(= lindie) = ori - en - t(it) = Dielli(pamia) - hyn - esht = lindia';  -nga greq. e lashte 'ori = dielli' dhe 'orasi = pamie'(edhe 'opi; opsi = pamie')] - Europe, kontinenti Europian/ perendimi(auto).




???????'? - za-plith-i's [za + plot - is = plot za(zë)], nga [?? + ???'???(= pli'tos = plit, plot, shum)] = kuptimet e dhena nga vet gjutaret grek jane: shum popull(turm; plot)/ i zeshem, ze lart, za plot(plit), i zhurmeshem, zhurm plot. [ktu (j)epet ne perkthim ni kuptim i paster shqip te dy fialve 'za' dhe 'plit = plot', fial qe sot i ka ne perdorim vetem shqipia].


Është then qe ne hyrie, se shkrimet me te zeze te çelur jane perkthimet e dhena nga vet gjutaret greke (te perkthyera nga une ne shqip).


????????'? - zilo-ti-pi'-a [zili + ti - pi - i(hy) - a(ashte) = zili + te - be - hy - a;  -me gr. e sotme do qe: 'zili + na - kani - bi - ine', si kudo perputhia esht vetem me shqipen], nga [????'?????] = kuptimet e dhena nga gjutaret grek jane: zili, hyrie e zilis.


??????'? - zilo-ti's [zili-t-ish = i zilis-t-ish;  -apo: ’zilo – o(hy) - t – is = zili – hy – t - ish’] = ziliqar, qe te hyn zilia, ai qe nuk e do ta shikoi tietrin me mir se veten.(me greq. e sotme do te qe: 'Zili + na – ine/ ose: zili – bi – na - ine’, si kudo perputhia eshte vetem me shqipen).




?????'? - igjemo'n [i-gje-mon = hy-qe-bon = hyn, shkon para, udheheq rrugen; esht kreu, esht maia (qe hyn i pari, qe udheheq);  -me greq. e sotme do qe: 'bi - pu - kani', perputhia si kudo esht vetem me shqipen], nga [???'????] = ai qe udheheq/ ai qe tregon rrugen duke shkuar vet perpara/ udheheqes, komandant ushtarak/ kreu.


???'??? - igje'tis [i - gje - t - is = i(hy) - qe - t - is = hyn, shkon para, udheheq; esht kreu(maia) qe hyn i pari;  -me gr. e sotme do qe: 'bi - pu - na - ine', si kudo perputhia esht vetem me shqipen], nga [???'????] = udheheqes/ komandant; igje'ti; pri's(prijs).




????????'? - theatr-i-ko's [theatr - i(hy) - k - os = theater - hy - q - ish;  -me gr. e sotme do qe: 'theater - bi - pu - ine', si kudo perputhia esht vetem me shqipen], nga [??'????? = the’atron = the’a – t – ron(ryn) = thea(= pamie) – t – ryn;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ‘thea – na – beni’] = aio qe lo'zet ne tea'ter, aio qe imito'het.


???'??? - thri'mma [thri'ma = theri'me, theri'me buke,  coptim ne pies te imta, etj (esht edhe ne fialorin e sotem grek, por ne perdorim esht vetem ne shqip);  -nga: 't - rin - ma = t - ryn - ba = e imet; qe hyn/ e ry, e ndar'], nga [???'???] = copa, therime; mbetie te ni thyerie apo shkatrrimi.




?????'? - iatro's [iat - ro - os = iet - ry - esht = te ryn ne iet, te siell ne iet, te sheron, te kuron;  -ku: 'iat = iet = i - at = hy - asht = hyn, levis; (j)eton, je i gjall';  -me greq. e sotme do qe ‘zoi’ - beni – ine’, si kudo perputhia esht vetem me shqipen], nga [??'???? = ia’ome = ie(t) – o – me = iet – hy – be = te hyn ne iet, te sheron] = doktori, mieku; qe sheron, qe leteson dhimbien; qe te ri(ry) ne iet.


?'?????? - i'ptame [ip + t - a(hy) - me = ip(= hip, lart) + t - hy - be = lart - hyi(= shkoi) = fluturoi;  -nga: 'ip = i - p = i(hy) – b = hyn; ngriesh lart';  -me gr. e sotme do qe: 'pano + na - bi - kani', asni perputhie, perputhia si kudo esht vetem me shqipen] = fluturoi.




?????'? - kero's [ke(ko, koh) - ro - os/ -ose: ko - ir - os = ko - hyr - esht = hyn; kalon koe = koha, ko'a(k - o(hy) - a = hyn, shkon, kalon = koa);  -me greek e sotme do qe: 'pu - beni - ine', perputhia esht vetem me shqipen], thon [???'???? = pa n(j)ohur orgj.] = koha, diapazon kohe/ periudhe kohe/ koha e pershtatshme, rast i mire/ rasti per te perfituar/ gjendia, ko’a qe kam deshir, ko’a e du’ur/ veproi ne ko’en e du’ur.


??'????? - ka'limm? [(mm = nm); ka - le - in(hyn) - ma = qe - le - hyn - ba = te hyn; te mbulon;  -me greek e sotme do qe: 'pu - afini - bi(hy) - kani' asni perputhie, perputhia me shqipen ne zberthim esht e plot], nga [????'???] = mbules, qe te mbulon, qe te mbeshtiell; kalidhe. ('ka' = ke = që,  -duket si e gegerishtes, pasi jugu perdor 'kë = që').


??'????? - ka'lips-is [mbules - ish;  -nga: 'kalips = ka - l - i(hy) - b - is = qe - le - hy - b - is = hyn; mbulon'], thon nga [????'???] = mbules, mbeshtiellese; mbroitese. (nga ka dal edhe 'apo - kalips = ap - kalimen = ap - mbulesen = heq mbulesen = zbuloi').


??????’???? – katara’ktis - [kata – ra(ry) – k – t – is = kata(= kunder; posht) – ry – q – t – ish;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ‘kato – e pese – pu – na – ine’, -si kudo perputhia esht vetem me shqipen], nga [????’ – ??’??? = kata’ – ra’sh] - renia e uit pingul posht ne vendet malore; çdo gje qe bie(rezoet) posht/ ai qe turret apo bie me rrembim(ormi’).


??'??? - ke'lis [kel(kal) - is = kal - is(esht);  -ku: 1- kel(=kal) = k - a(hy) - l/  -ose: k - al(an=hyn) = k - hyn = q - hyn = qe hyn, qe shkon para; qe levis';  -dhe: 2 - k - al(yll=siper) - i(hy) - is;  -se 'ylli' eshte lart], nga [??'???] = kal; kal i shpeit/ anie e shpeite, kaike, anie e leht vrapuse. (kel = kal/ i shpeit;  -sot perdoret vetem ne shqip).


????'? - keno's [k - en - os = q - hyn - esht = hyn, mer, nxe, gje boshe;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ’pu-beni-ine’, perputia si kudo eshte vetem me shkipen] = bosh; pa gje brenda/ i pa frut, shterp/ i pa vlere, i paperdorshem per asgje/ nuk ka, i mungon çdo gje; eshte i xhveshur nga çdo gje/ vend, hapsire boshe.


??'????? - ke'ntima [k - en - ti - ma = q - hyn - te - ba = hyn, ngulet, çpon – ma(ba)/ qendis;  -me greek e sotme do qe: 'pu - bi - na - kani' asni perputhie, perputhia esht vetem me shqipen;   -nga: 'kendis = k - en - t - is = q - hyn - t - is = hyn, ngulet, çpon/ qendis;  -me greek e sotme do qe: 'pu - bi - na - ine' asni perputhie, perputhia esht vetem me shqipen], nga [?????'?] = qendisie; shtiza per qendisie/ çpuse, gjemb/ mai çpuse e armes(shpates, shtizes, etj)/ vendi i çpuar/ dhimbie, çpim, ngacmim, irritim/ denim.


??'??? - ki'sti [k - ist - i(hy) = q - isht - hy = hyn; fut;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ‘pu – ine - bi’, si kudo perputhia esht vetem me shkipen], thon [?'?????? - pa niour orgj.] = kuti, ark e mbyllur(kivo'tio, -greq.), shport e mbuluar/ gje e fsheht.


???'??? - klo'nos [k - lon - os = q - lon(lun) - esht;  -nga: 'k-l-on-os = q - l - hyn - ish';  -me greq. e sotme do qe: 'pu - pezi, kunai - ine', perputhia esht vetem me shqipen], nga [?????-] = lekundie e fort, termet/ trazir, çrregullim i math/ perplasie, goditie/ zhurm e fort/ largim me vrap.


?????'??? - klono'dhis [klonos + d-is = lekundes(q-lon) + t-ish], thone nga [???'??? + ??'???(i'dhos = lloi), dmth: 'lekundie + lloi'...?] = trazus, lekundes i fuqishem me forme te lekundies sizmike.


?????'? - kopri'-a [ko - p - ri - a = qe - b - ry - a(asht) = ryn(del)  jasht(asht);   -me greek e sotme do qe: 'pu - kani - bi - ine' asni perputhie, perputhia me shqipen esht e plot] = mbeturina te (j)ashtqities.


??'???? - ko'pros [ko - p - ro - is = qe - b - ry - ish = ryn; ben (j)ashtqitie] = (j)ashte qitia e barkut/ mbeturin, pisllek/ kasolle, stan, vath, stall me ko'pra(= balga; mut = (j)ashtqitie).


???'???? - kra'nion [kreni-on = kreni - hyn = kreni(koka) - hyn] = kafka e kres(kokes);  -(shenoi ne kllapa 'koka' sepse jan te 2 ne perdorim, 'kre' perdoret me teper ne veri te shqiperise, ne gegenisht;  -me greq. e sotme do qe 'kefali - beni').


???'???? - kra'nion [kreni - on(hyn) = kreni(koka) - hyn = head - enters] = skull of the head; - (note in parentheses 'koka, kre, kapa = head' because they are both in used;   -'kre' more in the Northern albania,'Geg = gegeri, gegeni; gegenisht, gigenisht';  -with the modern greek is 'kefali - beni').


?????????'? - krano-pio's [krano - pi - os = krano - be – esht = elmet - be - esht;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ‘kefali’o – kani – ine’, -si kudo perputhia esht vetem me shkipen], nga [kra'nos + poie'(pie = bei)] = ai qe ben kra'ni(= kre'na, perkrena're, krenare), ai qe ben mbroitese metalike per kren(koken).


???'??? - kra'nos [kre - an - os = kre-hyn-esht = hyn kre, hyn koke, elmet;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ’kefali – beni – ine’, -perputhia si kudo esht vetem me shqipen] = mburoi metalike koke, përkrenare, krenare


???'??? - kra'nos [kre - an(hyn) - os = head - enter - is = head enters, helmet;  -in the modern greek is: 'kefali'o - beni - ine',  -the conformity as  everywhere is only with the Albanian language] = metal shield for the head, helmet.


???'???? - kra'ntis [kran(kren; kryen) + t-is = 1- kren(kryn, kryen) - t - ish = ben, zbaton, kryen; dhe: 2- kren - t - ish = kre(kok) - t - jesh = i pari, udheheqsi, kreu;  -nga: 'kre'n = k - ren = q - ryn = kre, kok, mai, qe ryn e para/ qe ryn, qe ben, qe zbaton'], nga [????'??] = kren, kryen ni veprim, ben, zbaton i ni veprimi/ dreitus, kreu, i pari i vendit, udheheqes.


???'?? - kri'ni [kroni, kroi;  -nga: ''k - rin - i(ish) = q - ryn – ish = ryn, buron''], thon nga [??'?? = ka'ra] = kro'ni, kro'i, burim ui, vend dalia fillestare e uit; burimi.


???'??? - kri'kos [k - ri - k - os = q - ry - q - esht;  -ose: ’kri – k – os = hyria – q – ish’;  -me greek e sotme do qe: 'pu - beni - pu - ine', perputhia esht vetem me shqipen], thon nga [??'????] = rreth, cikel; vrim/ vath, unaze/ vrim, dritare e vogel e rrumbullakt qe kan patur aniet anash per te vroituar pa dal siper anies.


????'??? - kini'gos [qin + i(hy) - g-os = qen + hy - q - os(esht);  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ’ski’los – bi – pu – ine’, si kudo perputhia esht vetem me shqipen], thon vjen nga [??'?? + ?'?? (ago = udheheq) = qen - udheheq] = ai qe gjuan me qen, gjahtar/ qen gjahu.


??????'? - kini-ko's [qeni + q-esht/ tifoz(= qe ndiek nga pas si qeni);  nga: 'kuni = qini, qeni'], nga [??'??] = e qenit, per qenin/ si qen/ tifoza.(se ’q’ nuk ka ekzistuar ne lashtesi, veriu ne gjuhen e popullit edhe sot flet me ’k’).


??????'? - komiko's [ko'mi - k-os = ngacmus, çpus - k - os;  -nga: 'komi = k - o(hy) - mi = q - hy - be = hyn, çpon, ngacmon; irriton';  -ose: ‘ko - m - i(hy) - k - os = qe - b - hy - q - esht = hyn, shpon, ngacmon’;  -me greq. e sotme do qe ’pu – kani - bi - pu - ine’;  -si kudo perputhia esht vetem me shqipen], nga [??'???] = komik; i humorit/ qe shpon, ngacmon; ironizon; irriton.


??????'? - koni-ko's [koni + k-os = kon + q - esht/ me mai + q - esht], nga [??'???(konos = k - on(hyn) - os = q - hyn - esht)] = kon, si kon(qe eshte me mai).


??'??? - ko'nos [k - on - os = q - hyn - esht = hyn, esht me mai;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ’pu – beni – ine’, -si kudo perputhia esht vetem me shqipen], thon nga [???????????'(san-skritiko') = thon nga gjuha 'san-skrite', nga qe sduan te thone se vien nga shqipia, -ashtu sikurse vien e gjith gjuha e lashte greke] = kon, kon gjeometrik(trup i rrumbullakt dhe me mai ne anen tieter)/ kon(boçe)pishe(qe perfundon me ni mai)/ maia e ni mbulese koke(kapuçi).


????’?? – kono’pi - [k – on(hyn) – opi = q – hyn – opi(thumb) = hyn thumb, shpon, ben vrim;  -ku: ‘opi = vrim; dritare/ sy; pamie/ thum(b)’;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ‘pu – beni – opi’, -perputhia si kudo eshte vetem me shkipen] – konupi, mushkoia(mushkona) e konupit.


???????'?? - konopie'ra [konopi - er(hyr, kap) - a], nga [????'??] - rrieta qe i vihei krevatit ne egjiptin e lashte per te kapur(penguar) mushkoniat.




????'?????? - lavi'rinthos(labirinthos) [la - ve - ryn - t - os/ le - be - ryn - t - ish = qe ryn, qe kalon/ qe ryn, qe futesh;  -me greek e sotme do qe: 'afini - kani - bi - na - ine' asni perputhie, perputhia esht vetem me shqipen], thone esht [???????????'(para 'greke'), ndoshta thon nga: ??'????(= la'vris) = ??'?????(= pe'leqis); -ose: ’???'?? = la-ur-a(le-hyr-a) = ??'?????-pe'razma = kali'm = le-hyr-a, leion hyrien)’;  -por forma ’la’ = le, -esht e veriut shqiptar] = pallati mbreteror(ne Krete)/ ndertes e madhe me shum hyrie(degezime)/ katakombe(kato(posht) - k - on(hyn) - b).


?????'? - lampa's [la-me-pa-is = la - be - pa - is = leion pamien, drit, fanar, ndriçus;  -renditia dhe fialzat perberese jane ne formen qe pershtaten kuptimit ne shqip;  -me greqishten e sotme do qe: 'afini - kani - vlema - ine';  -siç e shikoni ska asni lidhie me gr. e sotme, lidhia esht vetem me shqipen;  -si dialekt duket i shqipes se veriut], nga [??'???] = llamp, fanar, dritdhenes, qe ndihmon te shikosh/ nxehes, dieges/ ndriçim, drit/metaforike -?: Dili(dielli)/ jete(= she, shikon, je i gjall).


??'???? - la'rinks [la - rin-k-s = la - ryn-q-esht; (me greqishten e sotme do qe: 'afini - beni - pu-ine', asni nga fialet nuk perputhet me greq. e sotme;  -disa mundohen ti paraqisin latinisht, por foliet baze te krii'mit te fialeve 'i, in, ir, ri ,iri, is, rish, etj' ekzistoin vetem ne shqipen e sotme(ku vazhdoin te perdoren edhe sot), ne italishten e greqishten e sotme nuk ekzistoin;   -kio verteton ni trungesin e shqiptareve me greket dhe me romaket e lashte dhe se shqiptaret jane baza e tyre), thon [???'????- pa vertetuar] = gryk, fyt, gurrmax, laring, faring, ezofa'g.


??????'? - leks-i-ko's [leks + i(hy) - k - os = fial + hy - q - esht; (me greqishten e sotme do qe 'leks + bi - pu-ine';  -perputhia esht vetem me shqipen)] = fialor fialesh; (fial-or = fial - hyr).




???'??? - mi'gma [mi - i(hy) - g - ma(ba) = be - hy - q - ba = ben hy, perzien, ('ma = ba' dhe 'ma, maie = mbaie' ka qen perdorur, vazhdon edhe sot te perdoret ne shum zona te veriut shqiptar)] = perzie'rie. (me greek e sotme do qe: 'kani - bi + pu - kani', perputhia esht vetem me shqipen).


???????'? - mesi-ti'a [mesi-t-i(hy)-a = mes + t-hy-a(asht); (me gr. e sotme po te zberthehei do qe: 'mesi-na-beni-ine'], nga [???????'?] = hyrie ne mes, ndermietesim/ marrveshie me ndermietes.


????'??? - mesi'tis [mes-i(hy)-t-is = mes - hy – t - ish], nga [??'???] = ai qe hyn ne mes; ai qe ndermieteson, ndermietes (i mesit). (me greek e sotme do qe 'mes + bi - na - ine', kur me shqipen peputhia esht e plote, kur edhe 'me's' zberthehet vetem me shqipen).


?????'? - mikro's [mi - k - ro - is = be - qe - ry - ish = ryn, deperton; i imet, i vogel/ ryn, ndaet, coptoet, zvogeloet] = i vogel ne moshe, i ri/ i vogel, i shkurter, i imet ne trup/ i paket, i imet, me permasa te vogla, i pa rendesishem. (me greek e sotme do qe: 'kani - pu - bi - ine' kur me shqipen perputhia esht e plot).


???'??? - mni'-mon [men - mon(man, mban);  -ku: 'mon = m - on = b - hyn'], thone nga [?????'??o?] = ai qe mend mban/ qe rikuiton, qe siell lehte ne kuitese diçka/ i zgjuar/ kshilltar/ llogaritar etj.(me gr. e sotme do qe: 'mni + krata = mni(men, mend) - man, -shqip'  kur me shqipen perputhia esht e plote).


??'??? - mi'thos [mi - the - os = be - the - esht = them, tregoi; tregim, histori; thenie, e folur;  -me greek e sotme do qe: 'kani - pi(thenie) - ine', kur me shqipen perputhia esht e plot], thone [???'???? - e pa vertetuar] = e thene, e folur, tregim, tregim istorie/ kshillim/ reklam/ mendim.


??'? - mi's [m- i(hy) - is = b-hy-ish = hyn, futet/ i vogel, qe hy/ hyn, haet/ i but; i qullet;   -me greek e sotme do qe: 'kani - bi - ine', kur me shqipen perputhia esht e plote], thon nga  [I.E. mus-;  -ne fakt edhe shqipen ne gjuhet I. E.(Indo - Europiane, te ciles i referohen shpesh) e fusin, por asni her nuk thon se (j)an shqipe, por thon 'Indo - Europiane'] = mi, miu, mi i arave etj(pondi’qi, -greqisht)/ mi'sh = kre'as(gr.) = creas/ nieri i keq, imoral; pi's/ midhie deti(me guacke)/ mis arure'os(gr.) = mi i a'rave(qe hyn ne vrima, qe fshihet). Romaket i thonin 'mace = mish(ne shqipen e sotme)'.




?????'? - nas-to's [nas - t - is = nes(= njesh, ngjesh) - t - ish;  -ne se do hiqet 'j' dhe 'h' nga 'njesh'(qe jan futur me von) fiala del orgjinale], nga [??'???] = ngjesh, shtyp/ i tei mbushur. (me greqishten e sotme do qe: 'pies, piezo - na - ine', me gjithse edhe kto shqip zberthehen).


???????'? - nau-pigo's [nau's + pigos = anie + pi(be) – g - os = anie + be - q - esht = ani'e + beres, prodhus;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ‘karavi – kani – pu – ine’, -si kudo perputhia esht vetem me shqipen], thon nga [???'? + ??'?????(= pi'gnimi = pi(= be, ben, prodhon, krio'n)] = ai qe ben, ai qe monton ani'e, punois(punonjes) i ''Naupigji's''.


?????'? - nekro's [nek-ro-os = nuk - rro - esht/ nga: nuk - ro(ry, levis) - ish = vdes; i vdek], thon nga [??'??? = ne'kis = nek – i(hy) – is = nuk – hy(levis) - ish] = i vdekur. (me gr. e sotme do qe: 'dhen - zi - ine', kurse me shqipen esht identike).




???'?? - kse'n-o [k - s - en  - o = q - s – hyn - o = e çhyn = e shkul/ e ndan, e shkeput, e ç'pleks; e ndan, e veçon, e shkeput;   - ku 's', se' ' -në shqip ka mar edhe kuptimin: '(s', se = pa) = u, uk, nuk; jo', sikurse: 's'dua, se dua; s'bei, se bei';  -por e sho se e kan hekur edhe kte nga fialori i shqipes kur aio esht akoma në perdorim...?;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ‘pu – dhen – beni – ine’, -si kudo perputhia eshte vetem me shqipen], nga [???-,???-j -?>???'??] = e çhyn; e heq, e rinxier/ e hap, liroi, kreh, çthur (prish thurien), ç'pleks(zgjith ngatrresen), ksempleks/ kreh leshin per ta dredhur(ber fill)/ kreh, liroi, shkrif/ pastroi/ perpunoi/ metaforik: = ??????????' - mateo-pono' = (pono = pune) pune kot, pune pa vlere.


??'???(= ???''??? = ksei'nos) - kse'nos [k-se-en-os = q - s'e - hyn - esht = qe s'hyn, qe se perzien; esht tieter rrace/ qe s’hyn, qe s’nxe, qe s’meson], nga [??'?-] = i huai, (j)o vendas, nga tieter vend, nga tieter soi apo rrace/ i pa n(j)ohur/ i dyshimt/ qe eshte ndryshe nga te tieret/ pa die, pa n(j)ouri, i pa aft /mik, mysafir/ i huai qe ka ardhur per pun apo ushtri me pagese.


????'? - ksen-o'n [ksenos - on(hyn) = i hua'i – hyn;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ’ksenos – beni’, -si kudo perputhia esht vetem me shkipen], nga [??'???] = vend ku priten miqt/ vend ku priten te huait.




?????'? - odhigo's [odh - i - g - os = udh - i(hy) - q - esht], thon nga [???'? + ?'??(= hy; udheheq; çoi, perciell)] = ai qe tregon udhen dikuit/ mesus, kshillus, orientus. (me greek e sotme do qe: 'odhos - bi + pu - ine', siç shihet perputhia esht vetrem me shqipen).


????????'? - odhi-pori'-a [udhe + po(bo) - ry - a(asht);  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ‘odhi – kani – bi – ine’, -si kudo perputhia esht vetem me shkipen’’], nga [??????'???] = udhe, rruge/ udhetim/ dreitim i udhes.


??????'???? - odho-pi's-is [udhe-besh-ish], nga [???????'?] = hapia apo beria e udhes/ para pregatitie, hapie e rruges per te ber diçka. (me gr. e sotme do qe: 'odho + kanis - ine' kurse me shqipen perputhia esht e plot).


???????'? - odhopio's [odho-pi-os = udhe-be-esht], nga [???'? + ????'?] = ai qe ben apo qe hap udhen(rrugen)/ dreitusi i punimeve per berien e ni udhe. (me gr. e sotme do qe: 'odho + kani - ine', kurse me shqipen perputhia esht e plote).


???'?(udho's) - odho's [o - d - os = o(hy) - t - ish = hyn, ecen para = udhe, etj;  -me gr. e sotme do qe: 'bi - na - ine', si kudo perputhia eshte vetem me shkipen] = udhe; udhetim/ menyr, metode/ sistem, dogm/ rriedhe, rriedh ui, udh ui/ udha e qarkullimit te ni planeti.


??'??? - i'kos [ = shpi, shtepi; etj;  = i(hy) - k - os = hy - q - esht;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: 'bi - pu - ine' -perputhia esht vetem me shkipen] = shpi, dhom/ tempull/ banes/ atdhe/ femi(gje'nos,-gr.)/ familia(ikogje'nia,-gr.)/ prona dhe pasuria(asetet) e shtepise.




?????????'? - pedho-pio's [femi + pi-os = femi + be-esht], nga [???'? + ????'?-?] = ai qe bene(piell) femi. (me greek e sotme do qe: 'pedho + kani - ine';  -ne fakt futia e 'b' ne shkip esht e gabuar ne kto raste, duhet te flasim me te niten menyre si kan folur te paret, duke thene 'femi - pi(be) - ish' duke mos perdorur 'be', por tashme nga qe esht hekur 'pi' nga perdorimi duket sikur esht me mir me 'be', por kio esht vetem nga qe keshtu u ambientuam).


?????'(o)???? - pan-de'(o)-ktis = [pande'ktis = pan + de'o + k-t-is = gjith(pa an, pa fund) + deo(do) + q - t - ish = te gjith i do], nga [??? + ??'?????(= de'kome = do-q-be)] = ai qe i de(do) te gjith/ ai qe i mer, i mbleth, i grumbullon te gjitha/ mbledh shum gjera. (me greek e sotme do qe: 'pan + the'li + pu - na - ine', siç shifet perputhia e plot eshte vetem me shkipen,  -e kam then edhe her tieter se greqishtia e lashte esht bashkim i fialve te shkipes ne kohen e lindies se shkrimit kur u be formulimi i gjuhes se shkruar dhe se greket e lasht orgjinal jan te ni trungu me shkiptaret, te tieret qe erdhen me von nga Turqia (pas 1923 dhe qe perbenin 54 perqind te popullates se at'ershme te Greqise) jan te perzier me rraca te tiera, kte e tregoin edhe ndryshimet e futura me von ne gjuhen 'greke' qe nuk perputhen fare me greek e lasht).


??'?????? - pa'ndhokos [pa'ndokos = pan + do + k-os = gjith + do + q-esht = te gjith i do; pa an(pa fund) do qe esht (ne gr. e sotme 'do = the'li', kurse ne shkip esht si 3000 viet me pare e pa ndryshuar)], nga [??'?(pan) - ??'?????(= de'kome = do - q - me(be))] = ai qe i do te gjithe(nierezit), mikprites/ ai qe i do te gjitha(sendet, kushtet). (nuk do bei koment per çdo fial, ai qe esht shkiptar apo ai qe di mir shkip e kupton vet se orgjina e fialeve esht nga shkipia;  -'q, që' esht e futur von ne shkip, pas beries se alfabetit te ri me 36 germa me 1908, bile veriu perdor akoma 'k' si: 'ka je ka(qe) shkon' ose: 'çka je ka(qe) ben'; -'si ke ken'; -'ku ke ken').


???????'?? - para-ve'no [para-ven/ pran - ven(vete)/ para, ose: pran + vendosesh/ para, ose: pran + be-in(hyn) = para shkon/ kunder-ven(vete)], nga [????'+???'??(=ve'no = vete = v-in = b- in(hyn))] = rri apo eci para ose pran dikuit/ shkel, thyei ni rregull, e bei para kohe/ bei diçka qe me pare/ vi', dal para/ shkoi para.


???'??? - pli'thos [plit-os = plot-esht = shum;  nga: 'plit = plot = p - l - i(hy) - it(ish) = b - le - i(hy) - esht = hyn, le te hyin; grumbullon; shum, plot';  -me greq. e sotme ‘plit = kani – afini – bi – ine’, -si kudo perputhia esht vetem me shkipen], thon nga [??'??????] = shumice/ shume nieres bashke, turme nierezish/ popull; turm/ sasi e madhe, volum i math, siperfaqe e madhe.


???'???? - pi's-is [besh-ish/ bei-ish; nga: 'pi's = p-i(hy)-is = b - hy - ish = e hyn; e kryn, ben', etj;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ’kanis – ine’,  -si kudo perputhia esht vetem me shkipen], nga [????'?] = berie/ berie e ni pune/ prodhim, montim, berie, krii'm, lindie e ni gjeie te re/ berie e ni shkrimi, libri/ berie e ni çpikie/ bi'isimi i ni femi'e(per femrat), dhe biresimi(per meshkuit).


??????'? - piiti's [pii - t-is = be - t - ish = beres, prodhus, krius, lindes; nga: 'pii' = p - i(hy) - i(is) = b - hy - is = te ben, te hyn, te lind, te piell, te prodhon'], nga [????'?] = beres, ai qe ben diçka/ çpikes/ prodhus/ zbatus/ kri'us, lindes, formus; ai qe ben poema dhe poezi;


????????'? - pitiko's [1- pi'i + t - i(hy) - k-os = be + t - hy - q - esht;  -ose: 2- pitis - k - os = beres - q - esht], nga [??????'?(=piitis) = beres] = ai qe ben apo eshte i afte te bei diçka.


??????'? - piito's [bei - t - ish;  -nga: pi - i(hy) + t - is = pi(= bi, be; pie-llie, lindie; berie, krii'm) – i(hy) + t - ish;  -nga: 'pi' = pi - i(hy) = be-hy = hyi, bei; piell; krio’i'], nga [????'?(= pie'o) = bei; pie-ll, lind; kri'oi] = berie, diçka e ber, i epet form, i epet pamie diçkaie, lind(pie-ll), krion diçka/ e bi'suar, i biresuar(femia). (me gr. e sotme do qe: 'kani - bi - na - ine', kur me shkipen perputhia eshte e plote).


??'??? - po'lis [p - o(hy) - l - is = b - hy - l - ish = hyn; grumbullohet; shum; bolle;  -me greq. e sotme ’kani – bi – afini – ine’, -perputhia si kudo esht vetem me shkipen] = qytet/ grumbullim i math nie'rzish/ vend.


Ni nga emertimet kryesore të qyteteve ne Romen e lashte ishte 'tanin' = tan - in = te tan in(hyn), shume hyin;  -gjuh e paster i shqipes veriut(dorik = gegenia).


???????'? - presvi'-a [pres-vi-a(asht) = pri's - vihet-a = pri's, udheheqes, perfaqsus, i pari - vihet – a;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ‘proedhros, dhiefthintis – valo – ine’;  -si kudo perputhia esht vetem me shkipen], nga [???????'?] = perfaqsia, ndermietesit, perfaqsusi(pri'si, prijsi) i delegacionit, pri'si i trupi diplomatik, legata, ambasada qe dergohei ne ni qytet apo shtet tieter per te mbaitur marrdhenie te mira dhe per zgjidhien e çdo konflikti, i perbere nga perfaqsus te besuar, te piekur, te moshuar, te respektuar, te nderuar dhe me emer, te n(j)ohur nga te gjithe per piekurine besen dhe ndershmerine/ ndermietesim.(shkurt kuptimet baze qe (j)epen (j)ane: 'pre'si = prisi(prijsi), udheheqesi, perfaqsusi i pare(kryesori) = pri'si, i pari, perfaqsusi, udheheqesi, ai qe ryn i pari(pres = pris = b - ri - is = be - ry - ish', sikurse 'kre = k - re(ry) = kry, koka; maia, ai qe ryn i pari';  -'j' si bashketingellore esht e futur von ne shqipe, pasi kuptimi i sai i vertet esht zanore 'i' e traites se shkurter). Pres, pret = mbret; udheekes; dreitus.


??????'??? - pres-vi'-tis [pri's - ve - t-ish = te parin - ve - t - ish = udheqes, ai qe vihet i pari; nga te paret, te moshuarit; nga te ryries(fillimin);  -ku: 1- pre's = pari - is = i pari - ish = perfaqsus, ai qe vihet i pari;  2- pres = p-re-es = b-ry-eshte = i ren - esht/ i pari - esht = i moshuar/ i pari, udheekesi, dreitusi/ i pari, i ryries(i fillimit)], nga [???'????] = perfaqsus, pri's, i pari, udheheqsi, me i moshuari/ (mieksi) ai qe vuan nga ?????????'? = presvi-opi'a = semundie e syve nga pleqeri'a. (me greek e sotme do qe: 'diefdhintis - valo - na - ine', kurse me shkipen esht orgjinale 'pres, pret = pris(prijs); mbret', por dihet se 'j' si nje bashketingllore eshte futur tani, qe kur e ben alfabetin e shqipes me 36 germa).




??'? - re'o [= ryi, futem, shkoi para/ ryi, bie, rrezohem, etj] = ryi para, vrapoi; levis/ ra, bie, rrezohem/ shkatrrohem/ zhdukem/ shikoi; zbuloi/ ryi, shkoi para/ shkoi me vrap dreit dikuit, kthehem dreit dikuit/ bie(ra) shi, ''ryn, bie''/ ra, bien (qimet; frutat)/ bie, rrezohem(ra; ry)/ ryi, hedh, flak(shigjetat)/ flas rriedhshem(pa pengesa), jam i zoti i goies(ryi; rrieth);


??'??? - rigma, nga [??'?????], [ri-g-ma = ry - q - ma(ba);  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ’bi – pu – kani’, -si kudo perputhia esht vetem me shkipen] = e ryr, e çare, e shqitur; thyerie; çarie, gremin, çarie e tokes.


??'???? - ri'gmin [ri-g-min = ry – q - min(ben) = ryria, hyria, ana, buza, fillimi, fundi, skai i diçkaie] = mai, buze, teh, ane/ maia e dallges, maia e ni shkembi/ breg i detit; ane, buz, fund. (me greek e sotme do qe: 'beni + pu - kani', asni perputhie, kurse me shkipen perputhia esht e plote ashtu si gjith fialet e germes 'g’ (g-min = q-ben);  etj;


???'???? - ri'zima [ri - zi - ma = ry - ze - ba = ryn ze, ben ze] = levizie e shpeite dhe e zhurmeshme/ fluturim i shpeite e i zhurmeshem i shpendeve ne air. (a ka nieri qe di shkip dhe te thot se kto 'nuk  (j)an  shkip' ?).


???'??? - ri'zos [ri-zo-os = ry - ze - os(esht)] = fershellim e levizies se shpeit te airit; fershellima e gjarperit; e kraheve te shpendeve qe fluturoin me shpeitesi; zeri i fyellit; zeri i uit te ni prroi qe leviz me shpeitesi/ levizia e shpeit e airit/ zhurma e perplasies se dallgeve. (besoi se e shikoni vet qe gjithkund ka vetem fial shkipe te bashkuara; -me greq. e sotme do qe: 'beno - foni - ine', ku edhe ato (j)an shkip por jo aio shkipe e perdorur ne ndertimin e gjuhes se lashte greke qe esht  orgjinale me shkipen ne perdorim).


??'?? - ri'mi, [ri-mi;  -ne kuptimet: 1- ry - be; 2- vend ku 'ry - be' = rrugic; koridor, etj;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ‘bi – kano’, -si kudo perputhia esht vetem me shkipen] = rrym/ force; inerci e trupit qe levis(ryn per diku)/ sulm/ koridor, rrug e ngusht/ dreitim dhe shpeitesi levizie(rrym).




???????'? - stra-ti'a [stra + t-i(hy)-a = shtri, (u)shtri + t - hy - a], nga [???????'?] = repart ushtarak/ ekspedit ushtarke/ sherbimi ushtarak. (me greq. e sotme do qe: 'stra + na - bi - ine', kur me shkipen esht plotsisht e nit, aq me teper qe edhe 'stra = istri = ushtri = 1- esht - ru(ruan)/ 2- esht - ri(ryn, sulmon)/ 3- esht - ry = ryn, grumbullon nieres; shumic nierezish;  -thon se kuptimi vien nga spiegimi ’3’).


????'????? - stra'teuma [stra - te - u(hy)-ma = u-shtri + te - hy - ba = futesh diku me u-shtri, ben ekspedit u-shtarake;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ‘stra – na – bi – kani’, -si kudo perputhia esht vetem me shkipen], nga [???????'?] = ushtri/ ekspedit ushtarake/ repart ushtarak. (shikoni ngjashmerin 'stra-, -greek = (u) shtri, -shqip = isht - ry(ruan/ ryn, nderhyn/ ryn, grumbullon) = ushtri').


?????'? - sfin-o'o [= spin-oo(hyi) = shpon - oo(= hy; bei) = kun; gozhde - hyi; bej) = gozhde - bei/ gozhde - hyi(ngul);  -nga: 'sfin = spin(spon, shpon) = kui(kun); gozhde = is - p - in = ish - b - hyn';  -se: ‘f = p; ph; b’] = bei diçka si kunj(kui) me mai; bei gozhde/ mberthei me gozhde.


???'? - sfi'kks [= spi'kks = a)- spin + k-s = shpon + q-esht;  -(kk = nk), -sipas gramm. greq. lashte;  -dhe: -2)- spin(= shpon) = s – p – in = esht – b – in(hyn) = hyn, futet; shpon;  -me greq. e sotme spiegimi ’a’ do qe ’tripai – pu – ine’, -perputhia esht vetem me shkipen], thon [???'????(=ave'vei)= e pa vertetu orgjina e fiales(nga qe sdun ta perkthein me shkipen)] = grenxa, gredhi.




????? - telos - (= dalia, fundi, ana) = [tel - os = del - esht = dalia, fundi, ana - esht].


????'? - ti-re'o [= te - ruai;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ‘se – fila’kso’, perputhia esht vetem me shqipen], thone [???'???? -(j)o ditur orgjina] = te ruai, ruai/ mbai, ruai/ vroitoi/ ruai, kuidesem per diçka.



??'????? - ti'-ris-is [te - ruash – ish/ -nga: ’te - rysh – ish = te rysh, te mbulosh, te rrethosh; te rysh, te futesh, te ndimosh’;  -me greq. e sotme esht 'se - filaxso - ine', perputhia esht vetem me shqipen], nga [????'?-? = te(ty) - ruai] = ruaitie ish(eshte), te ruash ish(eshte)/ vroitim/ kuidesie/ burg.


?????'?? - tripa'ni [tri'pa - in(hyn/ben) = vrima - hyn(ben);  -apo: 't-ri-ban-i(ish) = t - ry - ban - ish = ryn, çpon - ban - ish';  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ‘na – beni – kani – ine’; -dhe: ’tripa(= vrima) = t – ri(ry) – ba’;  -si kudo perputhia esht vetem me shkipen], nga [?????'?] = ve'gel qe hap vri'ma, bri'ma(tri'pa, -gr.).


??'??? - ti'rvi [t - ir(hyr) - ve(be) = e hyn, e perzien, e rre, turbullon;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ‘na – beni – kani’; -si kudo perputhia esht vetem me shkipen], thon [?'?????? - e pa n(j)ohur] = perzierie, rremui; rrafie(per ta perzier).




????'? - igro's [u, ui(= i) + g - ro - os = u, ui + q - ry - esht;  -nga: 'u(= ui) =  hy, qe hy, qe deperton = ui'], thone [???'???? - pa ditur origjina] = rriedhes, rreshqites, i pa permbaitur/ i uishem, i laget, i niom, i qullet/ i but, i dobet/ i dehur(i ber xurxull)/ qe i pelqen jeta e qefit, delikatesa/ i igra' = deti, (igra' = i + g-ra = ui + q-ry = deti). (me - greek e sotme do qe: 'nero - pu - beni', -asni perputhie, perputhia me shkipen eshte e plote).


?????'? - idhri'a [i(u) + d - ri - a = u, ui + t - ry – a;  -ose: ’udor – i(hy; ka) – a = lageshti – hy(ka) – a = i laget, i qullet’, -nga: ’udor(= idor) = u – d – or = u(ui) – t – hyr = lageshti’], nga [?????'?] = uitie/ burimi, pusi, vendi nga meret ui. (me greek e sotme zberthimi fillestar do qe: 'nero + na - beni - ine', -asni perputhie, -perputhia esht vetem me shqipen).


????'? - idhri'a [u(= ui(qe hyn, qe deperton) + d - ri - a = u, ui + t - ry - a], nga [?'??? = i'dor] = shtam, kotruve, ibrik, poçar etj/ kov/ legen; en mbaitese ui.


?'??? - i'dhor [= i'dor = u'(= i' = hy = ui) + d - or = u, ui + t - hyr], thon [I.E. ud-(= ui)] = ui/ shi, ui shiu/ çdo lloi lengu.


??'???? - ue'ti?s [u' + et - i(hy) - os = u, ui + esht - hy – ish;  -ose: ue(ui) – t – i(hy) – ish], nga [ueto's] = shi, ai qe siell shi(ui)/ aio qe ka lidhie me shiun(uin);  -edhe ne gjuhen romake edhe ne gjuhen e grekve te lashte emertimi i uit ne shume raste esht i ngjashem me shqipen 'u, ue = ui' ne ni koh kur ne greq. e sotme esht 'nero' ' qe nuk ekziston ne fialoret e greek se lashte'.


Shprehie:  ?'  ??'  ?'???? = i – gji’ – u’ete = toka(dheu)  'uite-t'.


Fiala 'u = ui' dhe 'u'ete(=uite) = u' + e(hy) - ete(esht) = ui - hy - esht = uite' -esht vetem ne shqip  dhe ne anglisht 'wat, wet = ue't = uit';  -kurse 'poti'zete' dhe 'vre'ksete', - perdoret ne greqishten e sotme, te cilat jane edhe kto ne fialorin e lashtesise (jan tip 'dialktesh'...).


Fialori ne analize(i Athanasios Frangulis = ?????’???? ???????’???) permbleth fialet nga lashtesia deri  500 viet pas Krishtit, gje qe ben te permblidhen ne te edhe fial te futura me vone(kryesisht 'romake = latine', -si do qoft te kombit ilir (j)an).




??'??[?]? - fa'rinks [(f = p; ph; b);  -ba'rinks = ba-rin-k-s = ba-ryn-k-ish = rin, ryn, fut – q – ish;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: ‘kani – bi – pu – ine’ si kudo perputhia esht vetem me shkipen], thon nga [???-??-] = fa'ring, la'ring, fyti, gryka(g-ry-ka = qe-ry-ka(bën))/ semundiet e laringut(grykes).


??'?? - fi'mi [fem(= them) etj;  -kemi folien e zgjedhushme ne shqipen e veriut 'fem, fe, fa; femi, foni, fon, etj' - ne te nitin menyre sikurse edhe 'thash, the, tha, etj';  -me gjithse esht akoma ne perdorim ne shume zona, e pash se e kan ek nga fialori i shqipes, me duket se esht bere shum pune per ta larguar sa me shume shqipen nga lashtesia greke], nga [????'= fimi'] = fem, them, flas// fenie, thenie, tregim, e folur e shumt/ reklamim, fam(reklamim figurativ edhe me te folur, -me te treguar me goi)// thenie, porosi. (fem = them, perdoret akoma sidomos ne gegenisht;  -kuptimet orgjinale te fiales 'fem' (j)ane hekur nga e nita fiale e greqishtes se sotme, duke i lene vetem kuptimet 'fam, reklam' per te mos u perputhur me shkipen ne ate dreitim, por harroin se keshtu largohen edhe nga lashtesia;  -kurse nga fialori i shkipes e kan zhdukur fare me gjithse esht ne perdorim ne gjith veriun).


??'??? - fi's-is [fisi-ish = natyr-ish = i natyres - ish;  nga: 1- fus = çdo gje qe futet, çdo gje qe del ne natyre, çdo gje qe futet(lind) ne natyre;   -apo me e detaiu: 'fi's =pi's = p - i(hy) - is = b - hy - ish = çdo qe hyn(qe mbin, qe lind, qe del, qe çfaqet me natyre)';   -ose: 2- fi's = pi's = pi-i(hy)-is = pamie-hy-ish = pamie = fis, natyr, çdo gje qe shikohet ne natyre';  -por kuptimi '2' (j)epet edhe me piken '1'], nga [??'?(fio, fuo = fus)] = çdo gje qe duket ne natyr/ çdo gje qe lind, çdo gje qe krio'het(qe futet, qe ryn ne natyre, qe mbin, qe del ne natyre)/ gjendia natyrore e sendeve dhe e nierezve/ vetite natyrore te tyre/ anet pozitive dhe negative qe kane te dhena nga natyra/ karakeri/ karakteristikat/ pamia e (j)ashteme e sendeve dhe e fenomeneve natyrore/ ligjet e natyres/ krii'mi natyror i qenieve te gjalla/ lindie, lindia e gjallesave ne natyre/ fis, soi, rrac.


????'? - fit-o's [(f = p, b); -fut - esht = qe futet, qe del, qe lind, qe mbin], nga [??'?(fio, fuo = fus)] = i mbir ne menyre natyrore/ ai qe mbin(futet), qe mund te mbi'; qe lind, qe mbin, qe çel ne natyre(jasht mbroities se nieriut).




??'?? - kha'os [= kh - a(hy) - os = q - hy - esht;  -me greq. e sotme do qe: 'pu - beni - ine', -perputhia si gjihmon esht vetem me shqipen], thone nga [??'-F??,  apo nga: '???'?? = qe'no, khe'no'] = vend i hapur; boshllek; hapsir boshe(ku hyn); hapsire e pa fund boshe/ erresire/ rremui, gje pa form.


???????’? – khara-kti’r [hyrie; ngrenie, gervishie; shenje – k – t - ir], nga [????’??? - khara'sso = kh – ar – as = q - hyr – ash = bei dicka me mai te mpret(qe ha, pret); ha , pres, grryei, skalis; shkruai; bei shei(shen = shenj)/ ngacmoi, shpoi; irritoi dike] = vegel per ngren(hyr)/ stampim, shenj e ber me hyrie(ngrenie, gryerie)/ sheiat dalluse te dikuit.


????????????'? - kharaktir-is-mo'-s [karakter - is(hysh) - mo - is = karakter(she’i) - hysh - bo - ish] = aio qe hyn ne veçorit dalluse, aio qe hyn ne karakterizim. (me greek e sotme do qe: ''karakter + bis - kani - ine'' perputhia esht vetem me shkipen, aq me teper qe edhe ''karaktir'' zberthehet vetem me shkipen).


?????'?(= ???'? = khlo'i = kh - lo - i = q - le - i(ish)) = khloro's [kh- lor(= ler) - os = q - ler - esht = i sapo ler(mbir; dal);  -me greq. e sotme do qe: 'pu - gjenai - ine';  -ose me e detaiu: kh - l - or - os = q - l - hyr - ish = qe hyn, qe mbin; i sapo hy(mbir); i shil, i gjelber; (bari i sapo hyr(mbir) esht edhe i gjelber, por ky emer esht mare nga qe sapo hyr(bin, mbin; del));  -'kh - l - or(hyr) - is', -me greq. e sotme do qe: 'pu - afini - bi - ine/ -dhe: pu - gjenai - ine', -perputhia si kudo esht vetem me shqipen] - i shil, i gjelber/ i but, i niom, i vogel, i sapo dal(bir); bar i niom/ ne rritie; ne shperthim; i gjall.


???'??? - khro'nos [kh - ron(ryn) - os = kh-ryn-esht = qe ryn, qe shkon, qe kalon = ko', koa(koha);  -me greq. e sotme do qe: 'pu - beni - ine', -perputhia si kudo eshte vetem me shqipen;  -ose: 'kho(ko, koh) - ryn - os = koh - ryn - esht = ryn(kalon) - ko(koh)'], thone [???'???? - e pa ditur(origjina e fiales) sipas grekve, nga qe nuk din shqip, apo nga qe nuk pelqein te thon te verteten] = koha/ koha qe ndoth diçka/ periudha e kohes gjat se ciles ndoth diçka/ periudh kohe kur ka ndodhur diçka, epok/ stin.




???'??? – pse-u'-dhos [si '?????'?';  -besh - u(hy) - t - ish/ -ose: fshe(pshe), mashtrim - u(hy) - d - ish;  nga: 'fsheu', psheu' ' e reduktuar ne shqipen e sotme ne 'fshe', pshe' = besh - e(hy) = e hyn, e fut diku, e fshe(pshe)'], nga [???'??] = genieshter, mashtrim; fshehie.


[pshe(= fshe), perdoret edhe sot ne Shqiperin e jugut].


???'???? - pse-u's-tis [pshe, fshe - hysh + t-ish] = mashtrus, qe mashtron, qe thot genieshtra, qe(fsheu, psheu). (me greek e sotme do qe: 'kri'vis - benis + na - ise', asni perputhie, perputhia esht vetem me shqipen).




?'? - o'a [o-a = i-a = hy-a = hyria asht = hyria, qe hyn/ maia, kreu, nisia, fillimi/ ana, buza, hyria per diku/ veshie(qe hyn, qe te mbleth);  -me greq. e sotme do qe 'beni - ine', -si kudo perputhia esht vetem me shqipen], thone nga [?'?? = o - is = hy-ish = qengj; dele(gje e urte)] = lekure/ rroba, veshie/ buze, ane, hyrie, breg i lumi, bregu i detit /mai, teh, teh i thikes/ korrnize, parvazi.


??'?(= ??'? = ??' = ?'? = ??') = oa'r [1- o - ar = esht - hyr = hyria, nisia, fillimi/ qe hyn, qe bin, qe çel, qe nxier diçka te re;   -2- o(orasi) - ar = pamie - hyr = lind, ben, prodhon, krion qenie te gjall, krion gjalles/ i  (j)ep pamie, i(j) ep form diçkai/ çel, mbin, lind, nxier diçka ne drit, nxier diçka ne pamie;  -por mendoi se si per gjith te tierat duhet te (j)ete spiegimi '1'] = vez/ frut, far e bimve.


??'? - ?o'n [o + on = 1- o - on = o - hyn = esht - hyn = qe hyn, qe bin, qe çel/ hyria, nisia, fillimi;  -me geq. e sotme do qe: 'ine - beni', -me shqipen perputhia esht e plot;   -2- o(= orasi = pamie; drit) + hyn = bin, lind, çel, ben, krion, ep ni pamie, del ne pamie(drit);  -kryesisht (j)am per spiegimin '1'], thon nga [I.E.*ow(e)yo = augo' = ve'z(= ue's) = o - u(hy) - go = o(esht) - hy - ka = lind, çel, mbin/ nxier ne drit diçka] = veze/ far bimesh.






Siç u pa zberthimi i greq. lashte baet vetem me shqipen dhe aspak me greqishten e sotme qe esht e perzier me te adhurit nga Lindia e Mesme dhe se parimi i ndertimit te fialeve esht i bazu mbi foliet shqipe ’i(hy) = i, in, ir etj’ dhe folien 'ri(ry) = ry, ryn', te ndertuara kto me gjith lloiet e zanoreve per te rritur ndryshimin midis fialeve, qe fialet te (j)en te dallushme nga nira-tietra;  -nga folia ndimese 'a, as, ashte = po';  -nga nyet baze te shkipes 'k, t, p',  gje kio e pa zbulu nga gjutaret deri me sot. Sigurisht jo gjith fialet e greq. lashte perputhen me shqipen e sotme, por se zberthimi i tyre baet vetem me shqipen dhe aspak me greqishten e sotme. Greqishtia e lashte u formulua me bashkime te fialve te thieshta te shkipes(illirishtes), ku ni fiali e tere u fut ne ni fiale te vetme dhe tani te ep pershtypien sikur eshte glu tieter; -fenomen qe ndodhi ne koen e shkrimit te glues ne greqin e lashte (illini = illiri).


Duke lexuar kete liber ju do te kuptoni dhe shqiptoni shume fjale qw perdoren ne tere boten dhe qe kane ne rrenje gjuhen Shqipe.


...eti.- eti.,  -keshtu, me dy foliet baze te shqipes 'i = hy' dhe 'ri = ry', me folien ndimese 'esht', si dhe me niet shqipe 'k; t' etj, be'et e mundur zberthimi i gjithe fialeve te shqipes, greqishtes se lashte dhe te gjith Europes, sepse shqiptaret(illiret = illinet) jan greket e lasht te vertet.


Ne kto libra do gjeni zberthimin e shume fialeve interasante qe i perdor gjith bota dhe qe kan kuptim vetem ne shqip.







Part of the etymological dictionary of the ancient Greece: 'The TRUTH - Who Are You Greek ...?',



It is verified that ancient Greek is shaped from Albanian language (linking Albanian words, which took place at the time of the birth of writing in the ancient Greece, where there were also added the suffixes; -whose bases are in the Albanian verbs hy=i = enter(in) and 'ry = ri = enter(in)' built with all kinds of vowels to create diversity between words, so that the words can be distinguished from one another).


Note: 'the translations of the words(given from Greek linguists, from ancient geek in the current Greek) are the ones written in normal characters (= light = lla'it), which are translate in Albanian by me'.



Part one


(Some words I left without translated into English, but I believe that the goal has been reached).




'a' at the top of the words it has the following meanings: 1- a = i = hy = enter, -a meaning that all the vowels take (i; e; o; u);  -2- a, ash, asht; po = is; yes;   -used in the north Albanian dialect in the meanings 'a(=is) done;  a(=is) baked;  a(=is) burnt etc.',  and in the meaning 'yes';   -and: -3- a(= jo) = not;  -these are the 3 meanings that 'a' has when it is in the beginning of a word, etc.


????'?? - a-gji'ro [a + gji - ir = a(is) + that - enter = enter, let in; gather, collect; -in the modern Greek is: 'ine-pu-beni', the conformity is only with the Albanian language], Greek linguists say [???'???? – the origin is not sure, not verified] = the meanings given in the Greek dictionaries are: gather; collect.


????? '- a gora' [a + go-ra = a + qe – ry(enter) = a(=is) – that – enter(in) = enter; gather; crowd, batch/ enter; buys; exchanges, switches; -in the modern Greek would be: 'ine + pu - beni', -as everywhere the conformity is only with the Albanian language], the Greeks say from [????'??] = the words’ meanings given in the Greek dictionaries are: people’s gathering place; bazaar; a crowd in bazaar/ purchasing, obtaining goods; sale.


During the speech analysis, we have also considered the restitutions to 'y' and 'h' which did not exist at that period of time;  -so 'i, a, e, o, u = hy(enter) / ex, is / not; enter; shrank, lost, vanish; etc.'.


????????'? - agoras-ti's [agoras + t - is = purchaser + t – ex(is);  -in modern Greek is: 'agora’s - na - ine', -the conformity is only with the Albanian language], from [?????'??] = the meaning given by the Greeks is: buyer, purchaser.


??'?? - e'ma [e(hy) - ma = enter - ba(became) = entering - become = blood], Greek linguists say [???'???? - the origin of the word is not sure], in the modern Greek is: 'bi-kani', the conformity is only with the Albanian language] = the meanings given by the Greek linguists are: the blood, the blood of a living creature/ murder, slaughter/ blood relation, kinship, tribe; origin.


As it was said in the preface not all the words of the ancient Greek correspond with the modern Albanian language words, but the decomposition of all the words of ancient Greek can only be explained through Albanian language, not through the modern Greek.

???'? - eo'n [e-on = e – hyn = e(=is) – enter; that - enter = enter; goes, passes = time; age, etc.; -in the modern Greek is: ‘ine-bi', the conformity as elsewhere is only with the Albanian language] = the meanings given by the Greek linguists are: period, period of the year/ season; time/ period of life; human life/ age / a generation of coeval living in a certain period / a years-long period of time; century/ / an endless period of time.


???'???? - eo'nios [eo'n – i(hy) - os = time, period of time – hy(enter) - is; -in the modern Greek is: 'eon - bi-ine', -the conformity is only with the Albanian language, because 'eo'n' can be explained only through Albanian language], from [??'??] = the meanings given by the Greek linguist are: a long period of time.


?'????? (= ????'?? = aga'thi = thorn; etc.) = [a’kan-tha = 1- thorn + t - a(is) = thorn;  -2- a(not) + k(=that) - an(enter) - t - is = difficult; -in the modern Greek the explanation of 'akan = thorn' is: 'akan = a - k - an(enters), -in Albanian = is - that - enters, -English = ine - pu - beni,  -in Greek. language', -as everywhere the conformity in decomposition is only with the Albanian language] = the meanings given by the Greek linguists are: goad, cleat; sticker, any plant with stings; bones (fish bones); drilling, sting/ difficulty.


???'? - a-ki'n [a(not) + k - in = not + k(that) - enter = not enter; does not move; -in the modern Greek is: 'oki - pu - beni', -the conformity is only with the Albanian language], from [??? '] = the meanings given from the Greek linguists are: slowly, calmly.


????’ – akmi’ [a – k(q) – m – i(hy) = is – that – m(make) – enter(in) = is entering = enter, get into/ vertex, blade, edge; top;  -in the modern Greek is: 'ine-pu-kani-bi', -the conformity is only with the Albanian language], from [?-??'???] = the meanings given by the Greek linguist are: edge, edged blade of any weapon that cuts or stabs; top of a tree (or mountain etc.)/ zenith (when the sun is perpendicular); culmination of a season; flowers’ blossom, culmination, the best moment of everything/ climax, maximum maturity; sexual maturity; great achievement.


?'??? - a'kra [a + kra(kre) = is - kre(head) = atop; head, what enters first; the most important, main; -in the modern Greek is: 'ine - qefali';  -and 'kre = k - re(ry)', -Albanian;  = that - enters,  -English;  = pu - beni, -Greek';   -as elsewhere the conformity is only with Albanian language] = the meanings given from the Greek linguist are: endings, extremes, the beginning and the end of something, extremities; the upper part of a body(head, head = kok, mai) / (head)main center, leading center/ the most important fortified part (enclosed), the castle, the main fort (Akro'poli).


?'???? - a'kro-s [a(is) + kro(kre) - is = is + head - is = head, top; extreme; the first; edge; side - is;  -or: 'akro - is = head; extreme; the top - is';  -in the modern Greek is: 'ine + qefali - ine', -the conformity is only with Albanian language] = the meanings given from the Greek linguists are: top, atop, head, the beginning of an extended body, the upper part of a body; the beginning, entry/ prolonged extremes of a body, legs, hands / the head(first) of a company / extreme; extremist, violent, short-tempered / top of a tree or mountain; the top part of a body; the surface of a body / exaggerating things, hyperbolic.


??????'???? - akro-ti'-rion [akri(= top; side; edge; head) + te - rin(enter);  -where: 'akri = a(is) - k - ri(ry) = is - that - enter = entry, the beginning, the head',  -ose: 'a(is) - kri = is - head';  -in the modern Greek is: 'akri - na - beni', -the conformity is only with the Albanian language] = the meanings given by the Greek linguists are: each side, the shore, the edge, the side of(land, sea, vessel, a garment); meeting-point, to fit together the edges of two things or places, meeting-point of two things/ extremities(feet, hands, head) of a body / sides of the roof of the house/ elevated ground to fix sculptures.


???? '- akti' [a - k - t - i(hy) = a(is) - q - t - i(hy) = is - k(that) - to - enter = entry; side; edge; shore/ entering, small, etc.;  -approximately as: 'a'kros'/ and: everything that(i = hy = enter);  -in the modern Greek is: 'ine-pu-na-bi', -the conformity as everywhere is only with the Albanian language], from [????'?] = the meanings given by the Greek linguists are: coast; peninsula; rock into the sea??/ height/ whatever that can be whipped and crushed; finely made ??as the dust(beaten wheat; flour; bread)/ everything that becomes powder; or anything with edge which can fit elsewhere, or pointy which can fit elsewhere; everything edgy; everything that can be inserted into something (coffin; grave; foundation of a building) / entering, profit; profit from a business; property; wealth; -and everything else that can be (i = hy = entered).


????'? - akti's [1 a(enter) - k - t -is = enter - q(that) - t - is; -in the modern Greek is: 'ine + pu-na-bi-ine';  -or: 2- 'acti-is = entering - is;  -the conformity is as everywhere only with the Albanian language], (in Sanskrit: 'aktu' = a - k -t - i(hy) = a(is) - q - t - hy = is - that - to - enter = beam, radiance/ night) = beam, lighting/ everything that goes out and comes toward a center; rays of a wheelbarrow’s wheel; sunlight; lightning/ day/ fame, glory/ everything that enters(penetrates).


???????'? - ama-dru-a's [a'-ma + dru - is = hy ba(worm) + wood + is = worm + wood + is;  -in the modern Greek is: 'bi-kani + ksillo - ine', -the conformity is only with the Albanian language], from [?'?? + ???'? = worm + wood] = the meanings given by the Greek linguists are: larva, worm wood.


????'????? - anti'-fas-is [anti - fash(thash) - is = anti - say - is], from [????'???? = anti-fi'mi = anti-fem(them); -a word that is not used in Greek, but it is used in the Central and Northern Albania,  and that have disappeared from Albanian vocabulary, while is yet in us in the Northern part of Albania] = meanings given by the Greek linguist are: contradiction in words; (fash, thash = said)/ opposite proposition/ answer/ debate / anti say(fem, them).


????'???? - anti'-fimi [anti-fem(them) = anti - say], from [???? '+ ????] = speak against someone/ oppose, anti say.


?????'? - antli'a [1- anti + l - i(hy) - a = anti + l-hy-ashte = anti – let – enter – is = off against; -2-an-t-li-a = hyn – t – le - a = enters - to - leave – a(is) = to enter; -case '1' in the modern Greek is: 'anti + afini - bi-ine', -no match, the conformity as everywhere in the decomposition is only with the Albanian language], from [?'?????] = the meanings given by the Greek linguists are: the place where the water accumulates/ the equipment with which it is pumped (issue out) the water/ the granary of the ship/ the water collected in the interior of the ship.


????'???? - a-pi'i-t-os [a(non) + become - t - is; -in the modern Greek is: 'a + kani - na - ine', -the conformity is only in the Albanian language], from [? + ????'?-? = a – pieo = a(jo) – bei = not – du(make)] = the meanings given by the Greek linguists are: not made??/ cannot be done; wasn’t made; not manageable, unfixable; not finished; inappropriate/ simple.


As it is said in the preface in the ancient times there was no 'b, bë, ba = become, do, make; cause'; - it is introduced later and it has replaced forms such as 'fa, pa, ma' and sometimes 'v, vë = to set, to put'.


???????'??? - apo-kali'pto [ap, hap + mbules = open - cover(= kalima) = uncover;  -'kali'ma = cover = ka - l - i(hy) - ma = që – l – hy – ba = that – leave – enter – do = that enters; wears; covers; kali'dhe(hous)'], from [??? '+ ????'???] = uncover; remove the cover(kalima) / uncover, make visible / / uncover, becomes visible.


?????'????? - apo-ka'lips-is [ap(= hap; heq(ek)) + mbules - is = remove, open – the cover – is = detect; remove the cover] = uncover, discover; discovery.


?'?????? - a'-tritos [a(jo) + t - ri(ry) - t - is = not – to – enter – t - is = not enter/ non-piercing;  -in the modern Greek is: 'a(= oki) + na-bi-na-ine', -the conformity is only with the Albanian language] = does not prick/ / non- piercing (not enter).


?'?????? - a'-tritos [a(jo) + t - ri(ry) - t - is = a(not) + to – enter – t – is = not enter], from [?(jo) + ???'? = jo + t – rio = not + to - enter] = meanings given by the Greek linguists are: not humble, disobedient/tireless; non- stop/ / gauche, clumsy/bad road, hard; impassable, cannot be entered.


????' - auli’(avlli')[a - u - li = a(ish) - u(hy) – le = a(is) – u(enter) - leave;  -in the modern Greek is: 'ine - bi - afini', -the compliance is only with the Albanian language] = the surroundings of the house / enclosed land for cattle (stalls) / dwelling house.


????????'? - aulo-pi-os [auli’(avlli') – be – is = surround; locking; siege - do - is;   -in the modern Greek is: 'auli-kani-ine', -the conformity is only with the Albanian language], from [????'? + ????'?] = courtyard wall. (the cases: 'pi, pe, pa; fi, fa; mi, me, ma; vi, ve, va' have been already replaced with 'bi, be = done').


?? (= Vv; Bb)


??'???? - ve'ome [beem (the original exists only in Albanian language; -it is not in the modern Greek) = ve(= be) - o(hyi) - me(be) = do - enter - do = hyi; levis; rroj, jam i gjall = enter; move; play; live], from [??'?? = v'ios] = live/ become.


??'? - vi'a [v - i(hy) - a = v(b) - hy - a = do - in(enter) - is = enter; break; do something to enter; go ahead quickly; -in the modern Greek is: 'kano-bi-ine', -the conformity is only with the Albanian language] = kidnapping, hurry/ haste, speed / force, use of force, use of violence / imposition by force, violence.


???'?????? – v-la's-fim-os [b-leshoi + fem - os = b-lashoi – fem(them) - is = do – leave – speak – is = talk, say, speak a lot = b(do) – issue + speak(say) - is;    -in the current Greece is: 'b - afino - po(fem) - ine';  -the conformity is only with the Albanian language] = he who speaks evil / he who spreads bad words.




??'?? - ga'la [1- g - a(hy; ha) - la = q - hy(ha) - le(= be) = who - enter - let = eat; drink; food;  -2- g - al(yll) - a = that - star - is = star(=white es a star) - is;  star(the first is)] = milk, (tamli).


????'?????? - gala'ktinos [????(milk) + k-t-in(enter) + os(is);  -(gala+ pu-na - beni - ine, -is in the modern Greek, -where 'ga'la' is explained only in Albanian) = gala(milk) +to-enter-is = enters gala; is gala; doing of gala(= milk)], by [??'??] = milk; milk production/ white, white as milk.


???????????'? - gala-kto-posi'-a [Milk + k(that) - to + drink - a(is) = Milk + that - to - drink - a(is); -or: gala(Milk) + posi-a = milk + pish(drink) - a(is)], [??????? - ??'???(potis)] = drinking milk / food products from milk/ to do milk (to work).


In the modern Greek is: 'galaktoposi'a = ga'la + pu-na-pi-ine'; -where  'ga'la' is explained only through Albanian.


?????????'??? - gala-k-to-po'-tis [gal(milk) + k(that) - to - pi(drink) - t-is; -or: 'galaktos + pi - t - is = milk + pi(drink) - t - is'], from [??'?? + ??'??? (??'??; ??'??)] = drinking milk, be fed with milk. (in the modern Greek is: 'gala + pu-na-pi-na-ine';  -Albanian decomposition is complete, including its key word 'gala').


???????'? -gala-uqe'o [gala – uçe’(ushqe’) = milk + feed;  -where: 'uqe' = uçe'(= feed') = u(hy=enter) – k - e(is) = enter – that – is = feed; enter; drink; eat], grek say from ...[??'?? + ???(= e’co = kam(=have)] = feed with milk, drink milk/ (metaphorical): feed; give knowledge.


(in the modern Greek is: ‘gala + tre’fome').


???o?'????? - gala-u'qis-is [gala - uqis(uçesh, ushqesh) – is = milk – feeding – is;  -from: 'galukis = gala + u(hy) - q - is = milk – enter – that – is;  -in the modern Greek is: ’gala – bi – pu – ine’/ or: 'gala - trefome - ine'; -the conformity as everywhere is only with the Albanian language] -  lips capture(seizure), sucking of milk with lips; feed with milk/ feed.


??'??? - gje'mos [gje(qe) – mush(mbush) = enter; fill; enter, introduce; filled; a lot’, -the conformity is only with the Albanian language], from [??'??] = fill; a lot; full / full padding / full load, full burden.


??????'???? - gene-ti'rios [gje'ne + ti – ri(ry) - os = lindie, krii’m + te - ry - is = born, creation - to – ry(enter) - is = he who enters(begins; makes) the creation'; he that: 'born + to – ry(enter) - is'], from [????-xhe'ne(ge'ne)] = give life (creates); the one who affects in the creation(born) of something / entering in a birth; the one that gives birth.(in the modern Greek is: 'gje'ne + na - beni - ine', -no conformity, -the conformity with the Albanian language is compete).


??'??? - gje'nna [gj - en - a = q(that) – hyn(enter) – a(is) = that – enter – is = entry; source; start; birth, creation / enters; resemble; race, kin, gen;  -in the modern Greek is: 'pu-beni-ine', -the conformity as everywhere is only with the Albanian language] from [???'???? - without knowing (the origin of the word)] = birth; origin; race, kin / production, creation/ birth of a child.


???? '(= ?????'??, ??????'?, etc.) – gji’ni [gj - ini = that - enters = entering; give birth, that arises; produces;  -in the modern Greek is: 'pu - beni', -the conformity is only with the Albanian language], from [??'?-] = woman, female, lady; miss; housewife; wife.




???''???'? - dai-kti'r [dai + k-t-ir = chop, break + k(that) - to - ir(enter) = divide; break, chop;  -in the modern Greek is: 'horizi + pu-na-bi', -the conformity is only with the Albanian language], from [???'??] = the meanings given by the Greek linguists are: he who cuts, chops/ butchers; who kills, killer. Synonyms: dai’ktis, dai’ktor.


????'???? - dhate'ome [date'ome = da, nda - te - o(hy) - me(be) = split-to-enter-do;  -from: 'da' = d - a(hy) = t - hy = enter; split'] = split/ share something with someone else.(in the modern Greek is: 'mirazo + na - bi - kani', -the conformity with the Albanian language is complete).


????'???? - dhati'rios [da + t-iri-os = da(split) + t - enter - is = entered; split; share] = sharing something;  -in the modern Greek is: 'mira'zi (hori'zi) + na - bi - ine', -no match (neither in the root, nor in the endings), -the conformity is only with the Albanian language, and this is for all the words of the ancient Greek.


??????'? - dhatiti's [da'+ t - i(hy) - t - is = split + to - enter - t - is = decide to enter(to do)] = deciding (in the modern Greek is: 'mirazi + na - beni - na - ine ' –the conformity with the Albanian language is complete).


??'????? - dhe'kome [de + ko - me = do – qe – be = love; want; need– that – do;  -from: ’de, deo, dua = d - e(=hy) = t – hy(= enter) = enter; take; will, love; want; need], from [??'? = deo(dua) = want; need] =the meanings given by the Greek linguists are: ‘’de, do = want; need/ accept, take, etc.. -as [??'????? = de’kome].


???'?? - dhra'ma [d - ra(ry) - ma = t - ry - ba = to – enter – do = enters; occur; happens/enter; charged; task;  -in the modern Greek is: 'na - bi - kani ';  -the conformity is only with the Albanian language], from [???'?] = drama/ action, event/ theatrical work/ tragedy'/ obligation; task.


???????????'? - dhrama-to-pie'o [drama + te – pie’o(bei) = drama – to - do; -in the modern Greek is: 'drama + na - ka'no', -as everywhereelse the conformity is only with the Albanian language], from [???????????'?] = make dra'ma / dramatize something.


???????????'? - dhrama-to-pi-o's [drama + to - pi - os = drama + te - be – ish = drama – to – do - is], from [???'?? + ????'? = drama + pieo(bei) = drama + do] = dramatist. (the word is in Albanian, -in the modern Greek is: 'drama + na – kani - ine').


?????'? - dhrimi's [d – ri(ry) - mi - is = t - ry – be – ish = to – enter - do - is = enters, who enters, penetrates; introduced; -in the modern Greek is: 'na - bi – kani - ine', -no match, the conformity as always is only with the Albanian language;  -or: 'to - enter - is/  -or: that - enter - is', because 'k = q' is the basic meaning of the entire alphabet consonants, but is done with different consonants, words to be distinct from one another], from [?'?????? - unknown origin] = the meanings given by the Greek linguists are: pervasive, grind, lobby/ claw/ burning/ bitter/ with sharp blade; wild; fierce, grab, piercing/ living, animate/ hot, burning; tempered/ able; capable.


???'??? - dhro'mos [d - ro(ry) - mo - is = t - ry - bo - ish = to – enter – do – is = enters, goes forward, travels; runs/ enters; attacks, gets in;  -in the modern Greek is: 'na – bi – kani - ine';  -the conformity is only with the Albanian language], from [??????'? (= drami'n = d – ra(ry) – min = t – ry – ben = ryn, futet para);  -from: ??'? = t – e’o(access);  -or: ’???'?? = tre'ko = t - re(ry = enter) - k – o’)] = running/ jogging place / square / match / race; fight/ fight in the road/ journey/ stadium/ path; running track in the stadium.




??'??? - i'-ron [i(ish) + ryn = i(is) - enters = enters, pierces; teases; asks], from [???'??? - say not confirmed] = ironic; mocking; rogue/ teaser.


???????'? = iron-i'-a(is) [ridicule, snook; drilling, prick; teasing, sting with words -i(enter; do) – a(is)] = ridicule, harassment, tingle with words/ pretends lack of knowledge.


?????????'? - irone-uti's [irony + u(hy = enter) - t - is;  -with the Greek is: 'ironi + bi-na-ine'; -it matches as everywhere only with Albanian language] = expressing irony (teasing, poking, harassing)/ pretending not to understand.


??(= ??? = is(hysh) = enter)  = en [en(= enter) = enter; entrance, beginning, start = ni(= nji, një) in Albanian; -as it can be seen the northern dialect form 'ni = 1' is the right form, and 'një' (that we use now in Albanian language) is the wrong form;  -in Albanian 'nj' is  introduced later (by arbereshi De Rada), according to the book about Manastir Congress, the congress that was held ??by the Albanian patriots for the restoration of Albanian writing (in Macedonia, in Manastir, in 1908)] - one, number one.


?'?????? - e'r-kho-me [enter - that – me(do) = enter; going; go/ enter; come, get in;  -in the modern Greek is: 'bi - pu - kano', -the conformity is only with the Albanian language], from [???'???? - uncertain, it is said perhaps it comes from *h?'?-??-???] = the meanings given by the Greek linguists are: travel; come; going somewhere / come for help / think/ cruising/be, stand/ occurs/ go out; born; create/ converse/ bump into someone / face something unknown / fight with someone / grow up, dilate / want, love/ try something / focus on something.


??????'? - es-khati'a [es + ka - t - i(hy) - a = ish + qe - t - hy - a = is + that – to – enter – is = entering; top, heading/ border, edge, side, beginning(end); -if we explain case '1' in the modern Greek is: 'ine + pu-na-bi-ine'; -no matches, the conformity as everywhere is only with the Albanian language], from [?'??????] = the meanings given by the Greek linguists are: top; heading; beginning, entry / border of a country / the top, the top of a mountain.



E???'?? - Euro'pe [e - ur - ope = esht - hyr - ope(pamia) = is - entered - ope(view, appearance) = enter(lost) appearance = West(= uest = u(hy) – est = enter(lost of Sun) - ist);  -the opposite 'Asi (= East) = a - si - i(hy) = a(is) - view - i(enter);  -and: 'as - i = asht - i(hy) = is - enter = entered, East, east of the sun', -or: 'Orient(= east = e(hy) - ast = hyria, lindia) = ori-en-t(it) = Sun(view) - enter - is';  -from the ancient Greek 'ori = sun' and  'orasi = view' (and 'opi; opsi = view');  -'w' English is like 'u' in Albanian, and 'west = u - est = u(hy) - est = enter – est(is) = entry; loss; west of the sun, east of the sun’] - Europe, the European continent / West (auto).




???????'? - za-plith-i's [za + plit(plot) - is = za(voice) – full - is], from [??(=voice) + ???'??? (= pli'tos = plit, full, too much) = too much voice] =  the meanings given by the Greek linguists are: many people(crowd; full)/ tone, loud voice, clear voice (plit, plot); full of noise.[here in translation it is given a pure meaning of two Albanian words 'za = voice' and 'plit = full’, -words that are now used only in Albanian language].


We have noted in the beginning, that the script(by light black) are given by the Greek linguist(translated by me in Albanian and English).




???'??? - igje'tis [i - gje - t - is = i(hy) - qe - t - is = enters, going forward, lead ; it is the tip that enters first;  - with the present day Greek, it would be: 'bi - pu - na - ine'; again, the accordance is with the Albanian language only from [???'????] = udheheqes/ komandant; igje'ti; pri's(prijs) = leader, commander, the finder, the heading.




????????'? - theatr-i-ko's [theatr - i(hy) - k-os = theater-hy-q-ish = theater – enter – that - is;  -in the modern Greek is: 'theater - bi - pu-ine', -the conformity is only with the Albanian language], from [??'????? = the'atron = the'a - t - ron(ryn) - is = thea(=view) - to – enter - is;  -in the modern Greek is: 'thea - na - beni'] = what is played in the theater, a play.




?????'? - iatro's [iat - ro - os = iet - ry - is = ry ne iet, siell ne iet, sheron, kuron = life - enters - is = brings to life, cures;  -where: 'iat(life) = iet = i(hy) - at = hy(enter) - is = enters, moves; lives, is alive';  -in the modern Greek is: 'zoi' - beni - ine', -the conformity is only with the Albanian language], it is said from [??'???? = ia'ome = ie(t) - o - me = iet-hy-be = jet(= life) - enters - do] = doctor, doctor; healing, relieving pain; new life.


?'?????? - i'ptame [ip + t - a(hy) – me = ip(= hip, lart) + t – hy - be = ip(lart) hyi = up + to – enter – do = up - hyi(enter) = fly;  -from: 'ip = i - p = i(hy) - b = enter – do = entering; go up ‘;  -in the modern Greek is: 'pano + na - bi - kani ', -no conformity; -the conformity as everywhere is only with the Albanian language] = fly, go up.




?????'? - kero's [ke(ko, koh) - ro(ry) - os / or: ke(ko, koe) - ir - os = time - enter - is = enters; passes  time;  -in the modern Greek is: 'pu-beni-ine'/ -or 'krono - beni - ine' –the conformity is only with the Albanian language], from [???'???? = unknown orgin] = time; range of time/ period of time/ right time, good case / case for benefit/ state, case, the time needed, right time / act in the right time.


??'????? - ka'limm? [(mm = nm);  ka - l - in(enter) - ma = qe - le – in(enter) - ba = that – let – enter – do = cover;  -in the modern Greek is: 'pu - afini - bi(in) - kani ‘,  -the conformity is complete only with the Albanian language], from [????'???] = veil, to cover, to reel; kalidhe(house). (''ka'' = ke = që; -resembles to gegerishtes, since the southern part uses ‘'ke = që'').


??'????? - ka'lips-is [mbules(cover) - is; -by: 'kalips = ka - le - i(hy) - b - is = qe - le - hy - b - ish = that – let – i(enter) – is = enter; covers'] from [????'???] = veil, cover, wrapping; protection.(from this it has emerged 'apokalips = apo – kalips = ap(hap) – kalima = ap(hap) – mbulese = open – the cover = removes(open) the cover = uncover; detect').


??????'???? - katara'ktis - [kata-ra(ry) - k - t - is = kata(= against; below) - ry(enter) - that - t - is;  -in the modern Greek is: 'kata - beni - pu-na-ine', -the conformity as everywhere is only with the Albanian language], from [????'- ??'??? = kata' - ra'sh] - falling down (decrease), waterfall; everything that falls down/ teem.


????'? - keno's [k - en - os = k(that) - enter - is = enters, takes, inserts; empty;  -in the modern Greek is: 'pu-beni-ine', -the conformity as everywhere is only with the Albanian language] = empty; nothing inside / empty, without fruit, sterilize / valueless, useless / has not, lacks everything; been stripped of everything / empty place, empty space.


??'??? - ki'sti [k - ist - i(hy) = q - isht - hy = that - is - enters = enters; inserts;  -with today Greece it is: 'pu - ine - bi',  -as elsewhere compliance is only the Albanian] Greek say [?'?????? - unknown origin] = box, closed arc (kivo'tio, -Greece) covered basket / secret thing.


???'??? - klo'nos [1- k - lon - os = q - lon(lun) - is = that - plays, wobbly - is ;  -from: 'klon = k - l-on = q - l - on(hyn) = that - let - enters = wobble';  -the explanation for '1' in the modern Greek is: 'pu - pezi, kunai - ine', -the conformity as everywhere is only with the Albanian language], from [????? = klono = k - lon(lun) - o] = strong wobble, earthquake / riot, major disorder / bump, shock / strong noise // departure flight (speed).


???'???? - kra'nion [kreni - on(hyn) = kreni(koka) - hyn = head - enters] = skull of the head; - (note in parentheses 'koka, kre, kapa = head' because they are both in used;   -'kre' more in the Northern Albania,'Geg = gegeri, gegeni; gegenisht, gigenisht';  -with the modern Greek is 'kefali - beni').


?????????'? - krano-pio's [krano - pi-os = krano - be - is = elmet - do - is ;  -in the modern Greek is: 'kefali'o - kani - ine', -the conformity is only with the Albanian language], from [kra'nos + poie(pie = bei)] = helmet – maker.


???'??? - kra'nos [kre - an(hyn) - os = head - enter - is = head enters, helmet;  -in the modern Greek is: 'kefali'o - beni - ine',  -the conformity as  everywhere is only with the Albanian language] = metal shield for the head, helmet.


???'???? - kra'ntis [kran(= kren, kryen = performs) + t - is = 1- Kren(performs) - t - is = does, apply, provides; do, makes;  -dhe: 2 - kren(= head) - t - is = heading(kok, kap) - t - is = the first, the leader;  -from: 'kre'n = k - ren(ryn) = q - ryn = head; top; that which enters the first/ that enters; which makes(do); carry out, implement, execute, perform'], from [????'??] = apply, performs, performs an action, makes, implements of an action / board, the country's leader, leader.


???'?? - kri'ni [kroni, kroi = spring, source, fountain;   -by: ''k – rin - i(is) = q - ryn - is = enters’, stems', sources’ - is], say from [??'?? = kara = k - ar(hyr) - a = that - enters - a(is)] = fountain, water fountain, fountain-head; spring.


???'??? - kri'kos [k - ri - k - os = q - ry – q – is = that – beni – that - is;  -or: ‘kri – k – os = entry – that – is’;  -with the modern Greek language that is used nowadays it is:  'pu - beni – pu - ine', -the meaning matches only with Albanian language] Greek linguistics say [??'????] = circle, cycle; / earring, ring / hole, small round windows alongside the ships in order to control the view without getting into the board.


????'??? - kini'gos [qin + i(hy) – g - os = qen + hy – q - os(is) = dog – enter – that - is;   -with the modern Greek language it is: 'ski'los – beni – pu - ine', - and as always the accordance is only with the Albanian language], comes from [??'?? + ?'??(ago = leads) = dog - leads] = the one who hunts with dogs, hunter/ dog hunter.


??????'? - komiko's [ko'mi - k-os = teaser; piercing, vexing – k(that) - is;  -by: 'komi = k - o(hy) - mi = that - enter – is doing(does) = enters, stabs, harassing; irritating'; -or all together: 'co - m - i(hy) - k - os = q - b - hy - q - is = that – does – enter – that – is = enters, drilling, piercing, stinging;  -with the Greek is: 'pu-kani-bi-pu-ine';  -as anywhere matches is only with Albanian], from [??'???] = funny, light-hearted, bacchanal/ humorous, provocative (with humor) laughing.


??????'? - koni-ko's [koni + k-os(q-ish) = cone + that - is / enter, stick, drill + that - is], from [??'???(konos = cone = c - on(hyn) - os = that - enters - is = enters, is with sticker(spin)] = cone; conical, coniform.


??'??? - ko'nos [k-on-os = q - on(hyn)- is = q(that) - enter - is = enters', is with tip(spin);   -with the modern Greek language it is: 'pu-beni-ine', - the accordance is only with the Albanian language] they it comes from [??????????? (san-skritiko') =it is said that it comes from Sanskrit, because they do not want to mention that it comes from the Albanian language, just like all the other words of the ancient Greek derives from the Albanian language.] = cone, geometrical cone  (wide and round geometrical body with a culmination on the top of it/ cone (cone); pinecone (which ends with a tip)/ hood or a cowl.


????'?? - kono'pi - [k - on(enters') - opi = q(that) - enters' - opi(tip) = enters', sticker; drilling; making holes;  -where: 'opi = hole; window/ eye; view/ tip, driller, sticker;  -in the modern Greek language it is: 'pu - beni - opi';  - the accordance is only with the Albanian language] - mosquitoes (konupi), gnat.


???????'?? - konopie'ra [konopi - er(enters, grabs) - a = mosquitoes - enter(grabs, captures) - a(is)], from [????'??] – a special net used in the ancient Egypt. It covered the whole bed in order to capture or make the mosquitoes stay away from the bed.




????'?????? - lavi'rinthos (labiri'nthos) [la - ve - rin(ryn) - to - is / le - be - ryn - t - is = let - does - enter - t - is = enters; passis;  - in the modern Greek language it is: 'afini - kani -bi - na - ine', no accordance, -the accordance is done only with the Albanian language] it may be [??????????? (before' Greeks'), -say it may derive from: ??'???? (= la'vris) = ??'?????(= pe'leqis); -or: '???'?? = la-ur-a  = le, let - enter - a(is)) = ??'?????(= pe'razma) = passing; allow to enter)';  -but forms 'la' = le(let), -a word use in the Albanian northen dialect] = a royal palace (in Creta) / a large building with many entrances and gateways (with many prongeds)/ underground passages with many entrances and gateways, catacombs.


?????'? - lampa's [la-me-pa-is = la - be - pamie - is = let – do – light, candle, torch – is = allows the view; light; lantern;  -the structure and the composing words are used in accordance with the Albanian language -;  -the modern Greek language  is: 'afini - kani – vlema - ine';  -as you can see there is no accordance with the Greek language, -there is a connection only with Albanian language; -’la(=le) = let’, and it seems to be used in the Albanian northern dialect], from [??'??? = la’mbo] = lamp, lantern, light transducer, which helps to see/ heater/ light / illumination: sun/ life (= look, is alive/ lives).


??'???? - la'rinks [la-rin-k-s = la-ryn-q-is = let – enter – k(that) - is; (in modern Greek it is: 'afini - bi – pu - ine', -none of the words match with the modern Greek language;  - some try to introduce them as Latin words but as a matter of fact the basic verbs to create the words 'i, in, ir; ri, iri, is, rish, etc' derive from the Albanian language (them still continue to be used in the Albanian language); -in the modern Greek and Italian language they do no exist which proves that they have the same root and that the Albanian language is the basic source] say [???'???? – does not have a verified origin] = throat, larynx, pharynx, esophagus.


??????'? - leks-i-ko's [leksi + i(hy) - k - os = words + enter - that - is;  -(in the modern language it would be : 'leksi + beni - pu - ine'; - the accordance exists only in the Albanian language)] = dictionary.




???'??? - mi'gma [m - i(hy) - g - ma(ba) = b - hy - q - ba = do - enter - q(that) - do = make, enter; shuffles; do mix  ;   -or: 'mig - ma = mixture - became' ('ma(= ba) = do'; and 'maie (mbaie) = hold';  -it was used before however it is still used in many areas of northern and middle Albanian language)] = mixture.(in the modern Greek language it is: 'kani - bi - pu - kani ', -the accordance is accomplished only in the Albanian language).


???????'? - mesi-ti'a [mesi - t - i(hy) - a = middle + to - enter - is; (in the modern Greek language it would be: 'mesi-na-beni-ine', - even in this case the accordance is accomplished only in the Albanian language], from [???????'?] = in between, intercession, arrangement, agreement.


????'??? - mesi'tis [mes-i(hy)-t-is = mid(between) - enter - to - is], from [??'??? = me's-os] = the one who comes in between; middleman; intermediate (middle).(in the modern Greek language it is: 'mes + bi-na-ine', -the accordance is totally with the Albanian language, -and 'mes' can be disarticulated only in the Albanian language).


?????'? - mikro's [mi - k - ro - is = be - q - ry - is = do - q(that) - enter - is = enters; penetrates; small; petite / enters, divided, decrease] = young, new age /young, short, petite, wispy / slender, petite, small size; without importance. (in the modern Greek language it is: 'kani-pu-bi-ine';  -in Albanian language the accordance is fully accomplished).


??'??? - mi'thos [mi - the - os = be - the - is = do - tell - is = say, tell; story; tell a story; quotes, spoken; -in the modern Greek language it is: 'kani - pi(telling)- ine', -in Albanian the accordance is fully accomplished], say [???'???? - not confirmed] = said, spoken, story, tell a story/ advice / advertise / opinion.


??'? - mi's [m - i(hy) - is = b-hy-ish = do - enter - is = enter, insert/ enter; eaten; meat / small, that enter = mi, miu; mish, -Albanian = mouse/ meat;  - in the modern  Greek language it is: 'kani-bi-ine'; - while in Albanian language the accordance in this case is fully accomplished], say [I.E. -mus = mis; mi;  -in fact even the Albanian language is classified in the I.E languages (Indo-European, -which is often referred)  - but they have never referred to it as such but just 'Indo-European'] = mouse, fields mouse, etc. (mis = mouse) = pondi'qi; -Greek/ and: mish(= meat) = kre'as, -Greek)/ bad man, immoral; dirty/ sea mussel(shell)/ mis arure'os (ancient Greek) = field mouse(a kind of mouse that can be found among the holes;or hides in the holes). The romans say 'mace = meat (in today Albanian language)'.




???????'? - nau-pigo's [nau's + pigos = anie + pi(be) – g - os = anie + be - q - esht = ani'e + beres(prodhus);  -[nau's + pigos = naus + pi(do) - g - os = boat + do - that - is = boat + maker (manufacturer);  -with today Greece will: 'karavi - kani - pu - ine',  -as elsewhere-compliance is only the Albanian], say by [???'? + ??'????? (pi'gnimi = pi(= makes, produces, creates)] = he was doing (which installs) ships, employee(the shipyard where the ships produced).


?????'? - nekro's [nek - ro(ry) - os = nuk - ry - esht = dont - enter - is = dont enter, doesn’t move - is = die], say comes from [??'??? = ne'kis = nek - i(hy)- is = not - enters(moves) - is] = dead.(in the modern Greek language it is: 'dhen - zi - ine', -while with the Albanian language it is identical).




???'?? - kse'n-o [k - s - en(hyn) - o = q - nuk - e hyn - o = q(that) - not - enter - o(is) = don’t enter, separate , devide/ separates; separated; divides, separates, separated; - where 's', se = u, uk, nuk, jo = no, don't', -meaning : (s'dua, se dua = don't wont / don’t like/ s'bei, se bei = don’t do, etj); -but they have removed this from the Albanian dictionary although it is very used;  -in the modern Greek language it is: 'pu-dhen-beni-ine', -which means that the accordance is only in the Albanian language], from [???-, ???-j-?> ???'??] = entry (mix); retrieve / unlock, loosen, comb, warp, interweave (ksempleks)/ comb curly wool (yarn process) / comb, release, incoherent / clean / processed / metaphorical: = ?????????? '-mateo-pono '= (pono = working; labor) work in vain.


??'??? (= ???'' ??? = ksei'nos) - kse'nos [k - se - en(hyn) - os = q - s'hyn - esht = that - not - enter - is = does not enter; shuffles; is another race/ does not enclud, not fit, does not teach], from [??'?-] = foreign, not native, from another country, from another kin, family or race / unknown/inapt/ incapable/ friend, guest/ foreigner who has come to work or who does military services and is payed for this.


????'? - ksen-o'n [ksenos - on(hyn) = foreign - enters; -in the modern Greek it is: 'ksenos - beni',  -even in this case the accordance ia fully completed in Albanian language], from [??'???] = places where you can meet/ hall.




?????'? - odhigo's [odh - i - g - os = udh – i(hy) – q – ish = path – enters - that - is], say is from [???'? + ?'??(= enter; leads; bring forwards, conduct)] = one who shows the way to someone / teacher, counselor, leader, guider.(in the modern Greek it is: 'odhos - bi + pu - ine', -the accordance is only in the Albanian language).


????????'? - odhi-pori'-a [udhe – po(be) – ri - a = path + do – enter – a(is); - in the modern Greek language it is: 'odhi - kani – bi - ine', - again the accordance happens only in the Albanian], from [??????'???] = ride /trip / path direction.


???????'? - odhopio's [odho-pi-os = udhe – be – ish = path – do - is] from [???'? + ????'?] = he who does or paves the way(path)/ leader(head) of all those who pave the way.(in the modern Greek language it is: 'odho + kani - ine', - in the Albanian language the accordance is fully completed).


???'? - odho's [o - d - os = o(hy) - t - ish = enter – to – is = enters before; goes before = path, etc.;  -in the modern Greek language it is: 'bi-na-ine', -the accordance is only with Albanian language] = path; journey / method / system, dogma/ belief / flow; flowing water, water track / the orbit of the planet.


??'??? - i'kos [= house, etc.;  =i(hy) - k - os = hy - q – is = enter – q(that) - is; -by the modern Greek language is: 'bi – pu - ine';  -the accordance is only with Albanian language] = house; room / apartment/ homeland(motherland)// child (gje'nos, -Greek) / family (ikogje'nia, Greek)/ properties (assets) of the house.




?????????'? - pedho-pio's [pedhi + pi-os = femi + be(piell) – is = children – do - is] from [???'? + ????'?-?] = the one who born a child. (by the modern Greek it is: 'pedhi + kani - ine'; -again the accordance is only in Albanian;  -in fact the introduction of 'b' in Albanian is wrong in this case, -we must use it in the same way as they have used it first, for example 'femi - pi – is’ -without using ‘be’, but now that is off 'pi' the usage of this form seems to be better 'be, bei', but this happens only because this is the way that we are used to use it.


???????'?? - para-ve'no [para-ven/ pran - ven = before - goes/ beside - goes/ before, or besid put/ before, or: beside - do - in(enter) = before goes/ against - goes], by [???? '+ ???'?? (= ve'no = go = (v-in = b - in(hyn) = do - enter)] = sit or walk before or in front of someone else/ follow/ break a rule, premature something/ go forward.


???'??? - pli'thos [plit - os = plot - ish = full - is;  -nga: 'plit(= full) = p - l - i(hy) - it = b - l - i(hy) -isht = do - let - enter - is = enter; let it enter, collect; a lot, very full;  -by the current  the Greek is: 'plit(= p-l-i-it) = kani - afini - bi - ine', -the accordance is complete in the Albanian language] from [??'??????] = a lot of people together, crowds / people; mob/ big volum, large surface.


???'???? - pi's-is [besh - ish = do - is;  -from: 'pis(= bësh) = p - i(hy) - is = b - hy - ish = do - enter - is = enters; performs, makes something, etc.';  - in the modern  Greek is: 'kanis - ine', - in conformity with the Albanian language], from [????'?] = doing/ working/ manufacturing, assembling, making, creation/ writing an article or  a book/ making an invention/ adopting a child.


??????'? - piiti's [pii - t - is = be - t - ish = do(makes) - to - is = doer, produces, maker, creative, generative; -by the current Greek is: 'kani - na - ine';  -it is in conformity only with Albanian language ;  -from: 'pii' = p - i(hy) - i(is) = b - hy - is = do - enter - is = enters; makes; enters; be born, produces'], from [????'?(pie'o)] = maker, doer/ inventor, discoverer / produces/ enforcer/ creative, generative, formative/ the one who writes poems or poetry;


??'??? - po'lis [p - o(hy) - l - is = b - hy - l - is = do - enter - let - is = enters; accumulates; a lot;  -in the modern Greek language it is 'kani - bi - afini - ine', - which is in conformity only with the Albanian language] = city / large gathering of people / country.


One of the main names of cities in ancient Rome was 'tanin' = tan - in = tan - in(enter) = many enter;  - which is an example of a pure northen Albanian dialect (Doric dialect = gegenia).


???????'? - presvi'-a [pres(pris, prijs) - vi - a(asht) = pris - ve - a = the first(leader) - put - is = leader, the first; representatives;  -by the modern Greek language it is: 'proedhros, dhiefthintis - valo - ine';  -and in this case as always it is in conformity only with the Albanian], from [???????'?] = representative; the first, the leader; delegation, the leaders of the diplomatic corps, the legates, the embassy was sent to another city or another state in order to maintain good relations and to resolve any possible conflict, composed of trusted representative, mature, older, respected, honored and wll-known, famous for their and honesty and maturity/ intercessor. (the first meanings were : 'pre'si, prijsi = the first(the leader), the head; the one who enters the first (pris = b - ri(ry) - is = do - enter - is';  -as 'kre(=head) = k - re(ry) = that - enters = head; the tip; the one who enters the first';  -'j' as a consonant it is introduced later in Albanian, because its real role is in fact the one of a vowel 'i' in short form). Pres, pret(= pris, mbret) = King, the King = king, leader.




??'? - re'o [= enter, penetrate, go / enter, tumble down, etc.] = come before, run; move / tumble down / destroying  / disappear / ??see; find out / go, walk forward / run toward somebody; turn to someone / falling rain / descent (hairs; fruits) / fall, tumble/ enter; throw, throw (arrows) / speak fluently (without obstacles), a high-flown person (run; flow);


??'??? - ri'gma,  from [??'?????], [ri - g - ma = ry - q - ma(ba) = enter - q(that) - do;   -in the modern Greek language it is: 'bi - pu - kani', - and again it is in conformity only with the Albanian language] = entering; opening; ditached; fracture; breakage, abyss, earth’s refraction .


??'???? - ri'gmin [ri - g - min = ry - q - min(ben) = enter - that - do = entry; the edge, the beginning and the end, the end of something] = tip; edge, blade; hand / the top of wave, the top of a rock/ sea coast; side, edge; end.(in the modern Greek language it is: 'beni - pu - kani', -it has no accordance with the words in ancient Greek but it is in complete conformity with the Albanian language).


???'???? - ri'zima [ri - zi - ma = ry - ze - ba = enter - noise(voice) - do = enters voice, makes voice ] = move fast and noisy/ fast and noisy movements of the birds in the sky.(is there any native Albanian able to say that these are not Albanian language?)


??'?? - ri'mi(ryma) [ri - mi; -that mean: 1- ry - be; 2 – a place where you 'ry + be = enter - do' = path; corridor, etc.;  -in the modern Greek language it is: 'bi - kano', -the conformity is only in the Albanian language] = current, stream, flow; energy / force; inertia of the body that moves (enter somewhere) / attack / corridor, close roads / direction and speed of movement(power; stream).




?????'? - sfin-o'o [= spin - oo(hyi; bei) = shpon(=kun, kui; gozhde) - hyi; bej = stab; nail - oo(= enter; make) = nail - do / nail - drive;  -from: 'sfin = spin (piercing) = pins; nail = is - p - in(hyn) = is - do - enter'; -because 'f = p; ph; b'] = tenon something like a pin ;nail down/ hold at bay.


???'? - sfi'kks [= spi'kks = a) spin + k - is = pierces, spin + q(that) - is; - because: (kk = nk) comes from the grammar of ancient Greek; -2)-spin(= piercing) = s - p - in = is - b - in(hyn) = is - do - in(enters) = enters, inserted; pierces; -in the modern language it is : 'tripai - pu-ine', - and again the accordance is only in Albanian language] -say  [???'???? - without confirming the origin of the word(because the Greeks do not like to do translating with the Albanian language)] = wasp.




????? - telos - (exit; end) = [tel - os = del - esht = exit, end - is].


????'? - ti-re'o [= te - ruai = to - save;  -in the modern Greek it is: 'se - fila'kso', - in conformity with the Albanian language], say  [???'????-not knowing origin] = watch, protect, save; observe/ save, look after something.


??'????? - ti'-ris-is [te - ruash - ish = to - protect - is;  -from: 'te - rysh - ish = to - enter - is';  -in the Greek language it is: 'se - filakso - ine', from 'na - bi - ine', -in conformity only with Albanian language], from [????'?-? = (ty) - ruai / - ruai= - save] = save, to protect (is) / observe / take care / prison.


?????'?? - tripa'ni [tri'pa - in(enters/ makes) = hole - enters(makes);  -or: 't – ri –ban - i(is) = t - ry - ban – i(ish) = to – enter – makes – is = enters; stabs – makes – is’;  -in Greek it is: 'tripa - beni (hyn; ben)';  -or: ’na – beni – kani – ine’;  -where: ‘tripa(= vrima = hole) = t – ri(ry) – ba = to – enter – makes’, -and Greek ‘na – beni – kani’; -as in all other cases even here the accordance is complete only in Albanian language], from [?????'?] = a tool that is used to make clips, or holes (tri'pa, -Greek).


??'??? - ti'rvi [t - ir(hyr) - ve(be) = to – enter – makes = enters, shuffles, disturbs, beats for mixed;  -in modern Greek it is: 'na - beni - kani'; in conformity only with Albanian]- say [?'?????? - unknown] = mixture, clutter(to mix).




????'? - igro's [u, ui (=nero, -in modern Greek ) + g - ro - os = ui + q - ry – esht = wet;  -from: 'u= hy(= enter), that enter, permeates = ui = water’], say [???'???? - without knowing the origin of the words] = flow; slide; without containing of hydrous, wet, soggy / poor; weak / drunk(it became intoxicated)/ someone who enjoys life as it is, delicacy/ ugra'(= igra’) = sea, (ugra' = u + g - ra = ui + q - ry = water – that – enter = sea);  - the modern Greek language is: 'nero – pu - beni', -so there is no accordance with the Greek language, but it is in complete conformity with the Albanian language).


?????'? - idhri'a [i(u) + d - ri - a = u, ui + t - ry – a = u(water) – to – enter – is = humidity, soggy;  -or: 'udor - i(hy) - a = humidity – enter - a(is) = wet, soggy’, -from: 'udor (= idor) = u - d - or = u(=water) - to - enter = humidity'], say from [?????'?] = watered / source, well, water taken place.(according to the modern Greek, initial disarticulation is: 'nero + na - beni – ine', -no accordance, -the accordance happened only in Albanian).


????'? - idhri'a [u(= ui, uj) + d - ri - a = u, ui + t – ry – a = u(= water) – to – enter - a(is)], from [?'??? = i'dor] =jar, kettle, potter etc/ buckets / pelvis; water container.


?'??? - i'dhor [= i'dor = u(= i = enter = ui = water) + d - or = u, ui + t – hyr = water – to - enter], say from [I.E. ’ud- = ui’;  -but realy is Albanian] = water / rain; rain water / any kind of fluid material.


??'???? - ue'ti?s [u' + et - i(hy) - os = u, ui + esht – hy – esht;  -or: ’ue(ui) – t – i(hy) - ish = water – to – enter – is’], from [ueto's] = rain, it brings water(rain = shi); -in the roman language and in the ancient Greek language, the name of water is similar to the Albanian one 'u, ue = ui', -while in the modern Greek language it is ‘nero = water’, - it does not exist in the dictionary of ancient Greek language.


Expression: ? ??' ?'???? = i - gji'- u'ete = ground(earth) - 'uite = wet; irrigate'.


The word 'u = ui(water)' and 'u'ete(= uite) = u'+ e(hy) - ete(is) = ui - hy - esht = water – enter – is = uite (= wet; irrigate)' - is only in Albanian and English 'wet = uet = uit'; -and 'poti'zete; vre'ksete' used in the modern Greek language, which are also part of the ancient Greek vocabulary as a kind of dialects.


The analysis of the vocabulary (of Athanasios Frangulis = ?????'???? ???????'???) includes words from ancient times about 500 years after Christ, which means that they might also be part of the Latin or Roman language (but however they were still part of Illyria).




??'??[?]? - fa'rinks [(f = p; ph; b); -ba'rinks = ba – rin – k - is = ba – ryn – k - ish = do – enter – that – is = enter(thrust, insert) – k(that) - is;  -by the current Greek it is: 'kani - bi – pu - ine', -again we are dealing with a complete conformity with the Albanian language] - [???-??-] = pharynx, larynx, throat, (gryka = g – ry – k - a = q – ry – q - a = that - enters - that - a(is))/ diseases of the larynx (throat).


??'?? - fi'mi [fem (= them = say, tell), etc.;  -it is the conjictive verb in the Albanian northern dialect 'fem, fe, fa; femi, foni, fon, etc.' - in the same way as 'thash, the, tha, etc. = say, say, said’; - this is a word which is used even in ourdays in some northern areas but they have removed it from the Albanian dictionary;  -it looks like there are a lot of testimony words which are removed in order to disconnect the origine of Greek with the allbanina language] say from [????'= fimi' = fem, them = say, tell] = say, tell; talk/ quotes, story, spoken numerous/ advertising, fam (visual advertising with talk, -talk shows(saying)/ orders.  (fem(= them) = say,  -used especially in gegenisht (= north Albania); -the original meaning of the word ‘fem' is removed from the same Greek word in the modern Greek dictionary, leaving only 'fam, fame;  advertisement’ – so that it could lose the accordance with the with Albanian language , but they forget the fact that this exactly the way in which thet disconnect themselves from the antiquity, while there is no evidence of such word in the Albanian dictionary despite the fact that is a common used word in the northern dialect).


??'??? - fi's-is [fis-ish = nature - is;  -from: 1- fus(= put) =everything that appears in nature, everything that comes from nature; -or detailed: (f = p; ph; b);  -and: 'fis = pis = p - i(hy) - is = b - hy - is = does – enter – is = each entering (sprouting, which arises, which comes, that displayed in nature)';  -or: 2 - fis = pis = pi - i(hy) - is = pamie – hy - ish = view – enter - is = nature, everything that is seen in nature'; -but meaning '2' is given even and to the point '1', because of this I say is the explanation ’1’], by [??'? = fus(put)] = everything that appears in nature / everything that arises, everything that is created ( which comes out in nature)/ natural state of things and of human / their natural properties/ positive and negative sides of natural products / the character/ characteristics / external appearance of objects and natural phenomena / laws of nature / natural creation of creatures (living beings)/ born; born of living things in nature // tribe, race.


????'? - fit-o's [(f = p; ph; b); -fut - is = put - is = put, insert, enter; it turns out; was born; that springs] from [??'?(fio, fuo = fus = put)] = sprouted, germinated in a natural way/ springs; arising, sprout, bloom in nature (without of human protection).




??'?? - kha'os [= kh - a(hy) - os = q - hy - is = that - enter - is;  -in the modern Greek language it is: 'pu-beni-ine'; in conformity with the Albanian language ] say from [??'-F??, -or by: '???'?? = khe'no '] = open place(space); gap; hollow; empty space; endless empty space/ darkness/ mess; without form.


???????'? - khara-kti'r [entered; scratch; indication(sign, mark) - k - t - ir(= who - to - enter)], from [????'??? = khara'sso = kh - ar(hyr) - as = that - enter - is = do something with a tip, grind, temper, do sharp(that hosts)/ sharp; write/ sign; prepare something / tamper; prick; frustrate(exasperate) someone] = eating(enter; scratch)/ stamp, sign by scrach/ hallmarks of someone.


????????????'? - kharaktir-is-mo'-s [character - is(enter) - mo - is = character(sign) - enter - bo - is] = something that makes the difference, something that makes thing distinguish from each-other, that brings out their peculiar  features; (the modern Greek is: ''character + bis-kani-ine'', - in comformity only with Albanian, furthermore this word ''karaktir'' can only be disarticulated in Albanian).


?????'? (= ???'? = khlo'i) - khloro's [kh-lor(= ler) - os = q - ler - is = that - born - is = newly born; newly sprout (germ);  - in the modern Greek it is 'pu - gjenai - ine';  -or in detail: kh-l- or(hyr) - os = that - let - enter - is = entering, sprouting; newly entered(sprouted)/  scheele, green; (newly germ(sprouted) grass is also green, but this name was taken from newly enter(sprout; germ));  -'kh - l - or(= hyr = enter) - is' in the modern Greek it is: 'pu - afini - bi - ine', - again the conformity is complete only in the Albanian language] = scheele, green/ saturate, dunk, wet, small, newly out(sprung); grass / growing; in explosion; alive.


???'??? - khro'nos [kh - ron(ryn) - os = q - ryn - is = who - enter - is = that comes, goes, passes = time;  -in the modern Greek it is: 'pu - beni - ine', - in accordance with Albanian language], say [???'????-these are examples given from the other who do not know the origin of the word and they introduce it as a Greek one because Greek do not like to say the truth] = time/ the time when something is happening/ period in time when something has happened; the era/ seasons.




???'??? – pse-u'-dhos [si '?????'?';  -besh - u(hy) - t - ish; or: fshe(pshe), cheat - u(hy) - d - ish; from: 'fsheu', psheu' ' is reduced in the present day Albanian into 'fshe', pshe' = besh - e(hy) = put into, insert, hide], from [???'??] = lie, cheat; concealment.


[pshe(= fshe) = hide, it is in use in present day southern Albania].


???'???? - pse-u's-tis [pshe, fshe - hysh + t-ish] = cheater, lier, hider; (with present day Greek, it would be 'kri'vis - benis + na - ise', that has not any accordance; it fits only with the Albanian language).




?'? - o'a [o - a = o(hy) - a = enter - a(is) = entry - is = entry, entering, beginning, start/ the tip(top), head/ enter; tip ; edge; entrance to somewhere/ entering;  - in the modern Greek it is: 'beni - ine', -just like in other case the accordance happens only in Albanian], from [?'?? = o-is = hy-ish = enter - is =  lamb; sheep(wise)] = leather / cloth, clothing / lips; side entrance, the shore of the river, the coast of the sea/ tip, blade, knife blade/ frame.


??'? (= ??'? = ?? '= ?'? = ??') = oa'r [1 - o - ar = is - enter = entry, departure, initiation; start; entering; germinate; sprout; opens, creates something new;  -2- o(orasi) - ar(hyr) = view - enter = born, makes, produces, creates living beings, creating a living / gives sight, gives form to something/ bloom, sprout, born, procreation; - I am thinking what would be the meaning for explaining '1' with verbs 'i = hy = enter' and 'ri=ry = enter',  as in all other cases] = egg/ fruit; plant seed.


??'? - ?o'n [o + on = 1 - o - on = o - enters = is - enters = entering, that enters, which opens / entry, departure, initiation;  -in the modern Greek it is: 'ine - beni', -just like in other cases it is conformity only with the Albanian language;   -2- o(= orasi=  view; light) + enter = sprout, born, blossom, open; makes, creates; provides an overview, appears;  -I am mainly concerned about the explanation '1'] say from [I.E. * ow(e) yo = augo'= vez(= ue's) = a + u(hy) - g - o = a(is) + hy - q - o = a(is) + enter - who - o(is) = enter; born, bloom, sprout/ procreate] = egg / plant se


As it was seen the disarticulation of the ancient Greek is in accordance only with the Albanian language and it has nothing to do with the modern Greek language, which it is in fact mixed with the influence of Middle East. The main principle is that ancient Greek compound the words comes from the Albanian verbs (i = hy = enter) = i, in, ir, etc.', and '(ri = ry = enter) = ry, ryn, etc.', formed with all the vowels (a, e, o, u, i = in = enter), to distinguish the words from one and other;  -from the auxiliary verb 'a, as (ash), ashte = is; to be = with the meaning 'yes' '; -from basic Albanian nodes 'k, t, p', which is not discovered  from linguists until our days. Certainly not all the words of ancient Greece are similar to Albanian language today, but that decomposition of ancient Greek is done only with the Albanian. Ancient Greek language was formulated with the simple words of Albanian (=Illyrian), where a whole sentence was introduced in a single word and now gives the impression as if it is another language;-phenomenon that occurred at the time of writing the language in ancient Greece (= illini = illiri). Of course, not all the words of ancient Greek are the same with the current Albanian, but all the wards of ancient Greek disarticulated by Albanian language.

By reading this book, you will be able to understand and articulate many words that are used all over the world and that you will find their root in the Albanian language.

... etc. - etc., so, with two basic Albanian verbs 'i(= hy) = enter' and 'ri(= ry) = enter', with the main verb 'este (= esht) = is' and Albanian articles 'k; t' etc.,  it is possible to disarticulate  all the words in Albanian, the ancient Greek and all of the European words, because the real ancient Greeks are the Illyrians(Albanian).

In  my book you will understand the meaning and the structure of so many words that use all over the world and they could be explained only in Albanian.

(Vota: 3 . Mesatare: 4.5/5)



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