E enjte, 24.10.2024, 12:36 PM (GMT+1)

Shtesë » English

Don Lush Gjergji: Who Dr. Ibrahim Rugova Was, Is, and Will Be!

About 18 years since his passing and 80 years since his birth, after so many perspectives and analyses, for me, the central question remains who the Historic of President of Kosova, Dr. Ibrahim Rugova, was, is and will be!Answering this question is essential, but that is based on my own personal experience, friendship...

Saimir Lolja: The Division Skanderbeg and Yugoslavia Nr. 3

Laid out below is a comprehensive analysis of the specifics of the "21. Waffen-Gebirgs Division der SS Skanderbeg". This subject's elucidation also utilized Albanian archival data presented by Shaban Sinani in his publication in the Albanian language, "Jews in Albania: The Presence and Salvation...

Saimir Lolja: The Rescue of Jews in Kosova

World War II in Europe began with Albania's invasion by the Italian Army on 7 April 1939. As a result, Albania lost its independence to become a protectorate of Italy's Kingdom officially and existing as an autonomous part of the Italian Colonial Empire. The freedom of Albania was de jure reestablished in October 1943. Albania was de facto an occupied country...

Saimir Lolja: The Albanian Besa - The Golden Rule

Besa is an Albanian word. Foreigners say Albania instead of Shqipëria, the language Albanian instead of Shqip, and people Albanians instead of Shqiptarë (in the Albanian language). The Albanian language (Shqip) is the oldest in Europe, and it is at the root of the tree of all Euro-Indian words. Besa is a noble principle...

Saimir Lolja: The Preservation of Albanian Tongue (Shqip) Since the Beginning

In the beginning, humans had a tongue (gjuhën, Shqip). Then, they could or couldn’t let go of the tongue (len…gjuhën, Shqip). Albanian natural tongue (Shqip) implies the use of the tongue in the mouth for articulating (shqiptoj, Shqip) words. The eternity of Shqip (Speech) is in its words that are wordy clauses...

Saimir Lolja: Nikola Tesla, a legacy of the Albanian nation

By name, Nikola Tesla was not a Serbian. His family was from Sanxhak inhabited by Albanians even today. His father was illiterate and one day became a Christian orthodox priest named Milutin. His mother’s name was Gjuka, an Albanian name.Due to the Serbian expulsion...

Anton Kodrari: Un percorso spirituale nel ciclo iconografico di Lin Delija

L’oggetto materiale di questa breve riflessione è la coesione armonica, sul piano dell’ontologia della fede, tra un’esistenza profondamente cristiana e la sua continua manifestazione nella storia dell’arte della vita, in quanto essenza inalienabile dell’unicum vocazionale di Lin Delija: il sacerdozio battesimale e l’attività artistica...

Alfred Papuçiu: Ismail Kadaré - un génie créatif de l'art international

Le 1er janvier 2020, le président de la France, Macron, a décerné à notre écrivain, Ismail Kadaré, le titre d'État le plus élevé "Grand officier de la Légion d'honneur". Ce titre a été créé le 19 mai 1802 par Napoléon Bonaparte. Ce titre est donné aux personnalités les plus en vue de la France et du monde. C'est un grand honneur de devenir...

Alfred Papuçiu: La Suisse, la découverte d'une nation

Au cours des 32 années de ma vie en Suisse, j'ai lu que j'ai parcouru plusieurs fois du nord au sud et de l'est en ouest, de nombreux ouvrages sur les réalisations de ce petit pays d'une superficie de 41.285 kilomètres carrés, auxquels notre Renaissance a également pensé, pour l' Albanie, mais aussi pour le Kosovo marty...

Alfred Papuçiu: Hope for treatment of thalassaemia in the near future

Every May 8, everywhere in the civilized world, is marked the Day of War against Thalassaemia, this disease of the twentieth century and the 21st century. On this day, we remind those children, teenagers and adults that they have to face the disease for years. Their example and the steps that have been made in the last years...

Alfred Papuçiu: Les Albanais originaires de Zara ou d'autres régions de la Croatie

Poursuivre son chemin à la diaspora, le cœur ouvert à autrui, à son voisin, à son ami, à son copain, à sa sœur ou à son frère représente sans doute un grand défi. En parlant de la diaspora, de ses compatriotes où qu'ils soient, en Europe ou aux États-Unis, en Australie ou en Amérique latine, on rend tant soit peu service au ...

Alfred Papuçiu: La stabilité aux Balkans et l’Europe de Sud - Est

Tout d’abord je voudrais remercier Monsieur Jayantha Dhanapala et Serge Sur respectivement Directeur et Directeur adjoint de l’UNIDIR ainsi que tout le secrétariat de la Fondation Hellénique pour la Défense et la Politique étrangère de nous avoir invités à Rhodes, la plus grande des îles du Dodécanèse...

Des esquisse et des contes littéraires par Alfred Papuçiu

Cette année-là à Nairobi la Conférence Mondiale des Femmes a tenu ses assises. On a proposé à Arban de partir avec la délégation des femmes puisqu'il avait une expérience avec les organisations internationales. Naturellement, il a accepté,  avec le désir de voir ce beau pays africain et non pas tellement pour écouter les...

Genc Kortsha: Father Anton Harapi

Father Anton Harapi was a Franciscan of renown in Albania.He was a distinguished man of letters, known for his integrity and love of people. He was loved in return by the poor and humble while the rich and powerful respected him and included him in their power...

Mhill Marku: Father Anton Harapi (1888-1946)

We cannot speak of any facet of Albanian history where the Albanian Catholic clergy did not play a significant role. Among them, the Franciscans, without any shadow of doubt, were loved and respected by all the Albanians, no matter what creed they professed. A Muslim lawyer, Muzafer Pipa...

Marku: Dede Gjo’ Luli, 50 Anniversary of his death

The year was 1915 and the month September when the 75 year old Dede Gjo’ Luli, the leader of the mountaineers of Hoti, Gruda, Kelmendi, Kastrati, Kopliku, etc., who had gained an international reputation from Constantinople to Vienna as a fierce fighter for the ...

Jeta Vojkollari: The Devil I Paid for Advice

Tirana in the evening. Modern cafes. Lights. Glamour. High heels and loud voices. Laughter. Girls in low-cut necklines, smooth-skinned. Young men wearing their hair short and styled with gel. Just like the cafes, the young smelled of luxury and modern times...


Pëllumb Gorica: Magjia e bukurive të nëntokës sulovare
Fotaq Andrea: Një vështrim, një lot, një trishtim – o Zot sa pikëllim!
Pëllumb Gorica: Grimca kënaqësie në Liqenin e Komanit
Shkolla Shqipe “Alba Life” festoi 7 Marsin në Bronx
Kozeta Zylo: Manhattani ndizet flakë për Çamërinë Martire nga Rrënjët Shqiptare dhe Diaspora