E hene, 03.06.2024, 07:41 PM (GMT+1)


Margarit Nilo: Zgjedhimi i foljes 'hy = i' dhe 'ry = ri'

E diele, 30.03.2014, 05:00 PM



Me poshte do (j)apim zgjedhimin e folies 'hy = i' sipas menires se dhene sote dhe menires si ka ken ne greq. e lashte(ne Illini = illiri), folie e cila ka qen baze ne ndertimin e fialeve te greq. se lashte dhe te gjith Europes (bashk me folien 'ry = ri'), folie qe ekzistoin vetem ne shkip dhe ne asni gjue tieter te Europes, por te deformu' ne 'hyj' dhe 'ryj'.

Gjat zgjedhimit do shikoni deformimin qe i eshte be ksai folie nga futia e sundimit turk dhe nga alfabeti i ri i shkipes me 36 germa(12 germa shtese kundreit greq. se lashte) qe u vendos ne kongresin e Manastirit(ne Makedoni) ne 1908, alfabet qe u vendos duke u bazu ne gjuen e transformu' te popullit dhe per te pas mundesin e ni shpreie te shumaneshme. Kto deformime jan vazhdu akoma me tei pas çlirimit te vendit.

Gjutaret, nuk jan qe te ven sipas deformimeve qe jan bere nga populli me kalimin e ni periudhe qindra e mi'ra vieçare, por per ti korigju' ato gabime, prandai quen edhe 'gjutar'. Eshte si ajo ushtri'a qe shkon ku te doi e nga te doi dhe komandanti vete pas turmes, ne vend qe ai te udheheq (prij) turmen. Kio nuk quet ushtri, nuk quet rregull, dhe kio ushtri asnihere nuk e fiton luften.

Kio u be pa pat ni studim te sakte mbi greqishten e lashte dhe lidhiet e sai me shkipen, gje qe ka siell deformime te shume fialve nga orgjinali i tire ne greq. e lashte (ne 'illini=illiri'), deformime qe u zgjerun akoma me shume nga perpunimi i gjues dhe i gramatikes se gjues shqipe ne vitet e socializmit, ku u shtun kot ne fund te folieve mbaresat '-ar' sikurse 'mun(d) - u' - ar = mund - hy - hyr';  -u zvendesu' zanoria 'i' me bashketinglloren 'j';  -u fut 'h' vend e pa vend, ashtu siç u futen germa shtes edhe ne shume fiale te tiera duke i deviu' ato nga orgjinali, e shume e shume ndrishime te tiera, si dhe futia e dy zanoreve shtese  'y; ë' qe nuk kan ken me pare.

Hekia ne shume raste e 'i' dhe zvendesimi me bashketinglloren 'j', si dhe zvendesimi ne shume raste i 'a,e' me 'ë' kan çu ne ni far mase ne humien e muzikalitetit te gjues, se diet qe muzikaliteti i gjues varet nga zanoret.

Ni nga gabimet me te mdha ishte (h)ekia e dialektit te gegerishtes, duke zhduk nga fialori (bashk me zhdukien e sai) edhe shume fiale te rendesishme fialformuse te greq. se lashte(illine=illire) qe aktualisht jane ne perdorim ne gjithe trevat shqip folese. Mir paskaioria, po fialet pse (j)an zhduk nga fialori, aq me teper qe ato jan ne perdorim te perditshem.

Rol ndimes me shume rendesi ne formimin e fialeve te greq. se lashte los folia 'jam', ne formen 'esht', sikurse (j)an: 'i, a, e, o;  as, is, es, os; aste, iste, este, oste;  ad, ed;  at, et = a, e; ash, esh, ish; ashte, eshte, ishte, -qe (j)ane format e sotme te perdorimit; a, ash, ashte - tradit e veriut;  o, osh, osht - tradit e shqip. se mesme;  e, esh, eshte; i, ish, ishte - tradit e shqip. jugut(laberise), etj. Folie qe rrieth perseri nga foliet baze 'a, o, i, e,u = hy'.

Po keshtu, rol ne ndertimin e fialve te greqishtes se lashte marin dhe nyet shqipe 'k,g = q,që' dhe 't', te cilat nuk ekzistoin ne greqishten e sotme(ne greqishten e sotme ekzistoin nyjet(niet) ne format 'pu' dhe 'na' qe nuk jan ne ndertimin e fialve te greq. se lashte).

Fialori i shqipes se sotme eshte i shkru' me shume gabime, gjithashtu (j)an lene (j)ashte fialorit-fialet kriesore fialformuse ne greq. e lashte qe i perkasin shqipes se veriut qe jan aktualisht ne perdorim ne gjith Shqiperine. Si mund te (h)iken nga fialori fial aq te rendesishme duke qene aktualisht ne perdorim?!

Ne fialorin e sotem te shqipes sho se eshte zhduk edhe folia baze e kri'imit te fialve te greq. se lashte dhe qe aktualisht eshte ne perdorim te perditshem ne gjithe Shqiperine, folia 'ryj(ry) = ri' ' qe eshte simotra e folies tieter 'hyj(hy) = i' '.

Eshte zvendesu' gabimisht 'i' me 'j'; -jan ber kot dublime mbaresash: 'munduar = mund - u(hy) - ar(hyr)'. Ne shumicen e fialve jan fut germa shtese vend e pa vend(sidomos: h, y, ë, j, b etj), te cilat dalloen gjat zberthimit te fialeve.

Eshte ek rasa thirrore e folieve, karakteristike vetem e shqiptareve dhe e grekeve te lashte(illinve=illirve), dhe shume devii'me te tiera si:

'Europe(e-ur - ope = e(eshte) - hyr - ope(pamia) = perendimi, e kunderta e lindies (Asia dhe Orient)', ndryshe nga gjithe Europa, ne e shkruime 'Evrope'?

‘Ni’ = in(hyn) = hyria, fillimi, nisia; -ne e shkruim gabim ‘nji, një’, prandai them se 'j' duet zhduk nga fialori i shqipes ne gjithe rastet ku gabimisht ka zvendesu 'i', ose te thuet qe eshte 'i' e formes se shkurter, por jo te traitoet si si bashketingellore; -etj(eti) gabime.

I kam diskutu kto probleme me gjithe institucionet e larta te gjues shqipe deri ne akademi, te cilve ua kam dhen librin zyrtarisht qe ne mars 2012, them zyrtarisht se si problem e kan mar vesh qe me pare, qe kur e dorzova per botim (fillim te Tetorit 2011) qe shtypshkroia e mbaiti 6 mui dhe nuk ma botonte. Me thon se e kam gabim, jam marr kot me kte pune, kam harxhu ko'en kote, se s'me perket mua te merem me te. ....Atere, te meren ata e ti zgjidhin problemet e gjues shqipe, perse gjys shekulli ne vend qe ti korigjonin gabimet, ben te kunderten, i thellun gabimet. Jo vetem kaq, por e kan thellu gabimin duke zhduk nga fialori i shqipes fialet kryesore fialformuse qe ne greqishten e lashte, kur ato fiale (j)ane akoma ne perdorim te perditshem ne gjuhen e folme ne gjithe trevat shqiptare?!

E ke gabim me thon, ato fiale s'kan ç'duen, jan te teperta, (j)ane krainore. Shume e çudiçme, ato fiale jo vetem s'iane krainore, por (j)ane kryesore dhe fialeformuse qe ne greqishten e lashte dhe jane aktualisht ne perdorim te zakonshem ne gjithe trevat shqipfolese.

Sipas tyre du'et edhe te shkoim me menimin qe gjithe fialet sinonime te zhduken, duke len vetem nga ni fial dhe te tierat qe jane te ngjashme te zhduken;   -siç kan be me zhdukien e folies baze 'ry = ri';  -nuk ka ç'duet thon se eshte folia 'hy = i' ?!.

Me duket sikur jan be te gjitha punet, per ta varferu e deformu sa me shume shqipen, e per ta largu sa me shume nga greqishtia e lashte dhe per te mbulu te verteten.

Po (j)apim me poshte zgjedhimin e folies 'ryj(ry) = ri' ' ne format si do zgjedhoei sot, ne menirat baze (Defto're, Lidho're e Urdhero're) siç kemi dhene me larte folien 'hyj', dhe ne format si e kam gjet une ne ndertimin e fialeve te greq. se lashte. Kte folie e kan ek fare glutaret tan nga fialori, kur ate e perdor akoma i gjith populli shqiptar.

Folia 'Hy = i' '(qe ka ken folia baze ne kriimin e glues qe ne lashtesin illire).

(shikoni dhe deformimet e bera ndai folies 'hyj = i' ' me shkrimin e ri te shkipes).

Menira:                    Defto're

Koha E tashme         E pa kry'er     E kry' e thieshte

si do qe ne      si do qe ne        si do qe ne

sot - gr.lashte  sot - gr.lashte    sot - gr.e lashte

hyj     -i'          hyja   -i'-a        hyra   -ir-a

hyn    -in          hyje   -i'-e        hyre   -ir-e

hyn    -in          hynte  -in-te      hyri    -ir-i

hyjmë -im          hynim  -i'n-im     hymë  -i'-m

hyni   -i'ni          hynit  -i'n-it       hytë   -i'-t

hyjnë  -i'n          hynin  -i'n-in      hynë   -in

Menirat: Lidho're (koha e tashme):  Urdhero're (e tashme)

të hyj     -t-i'                      hy  -i

të hysh   -t-is(hysh)               hyr -ir

të hyjë    -t-i'

të hyjmë  -t-i'-m

të hyni    -t-i'ni                    hyni -i'ni

të hyjnë   -t-in

Siç e shikoni  format baze (j)ane ato te nenvizuarat: i', in, ini, ir, ish(hysh), por kto kan ken te ndertu' me te gjitha zanoret(i, a, e, o, u), sikurse: (a', an, ar, ash) etj.

Format e nenvizu'me (j)an ato qe une i gjei edhe ne ndertimin e fialve te greq. se lashte(ne illini=illiri), me ni fial e gjei ne gjith format e me siperme, por kio folie eshte e shqipes dhe jo e greqishtes.

Me larte nuk eshte dhene forma 'paskaiore' e gegerishtes(e cila ne gjithe menirat dhe kohet eshte 'me - i(hy) = be - i(hy)').

Folie tieter qe esht fial formuse qe ne lashtesi, esht folia e shkipes ‘ri = ry’; -por kte folie te shqipes e sho se esht zhdukur nga fialori i sotem i shkipes?!;  -kio folie ‘ri = ry’ esht ni nga foliet baze te kri'imit te fialve te greq. se lashte dhe qe aktualisht esht ne perdorim te perditshem ne gjithe Shqiperine, dhe esht simotra e folies tieter 'hy; hyj = i' '; -perse esht zhdukur nga fialori qe kan ber gjutaret dhe 'akademiket tan', kur ajo esht ne perdorim te perditshem dhe ne ni menyr krei normale?! 'OOO po s'esht nevoia' me than te instituti i gjuhes dhe gjutaret tan te fakultetit e te Akademis(S. Mansaku dhe R. Memushaj), 'deri sa esht folia hyi, skemi pse ta vem edhe ryi', -me than. Shume e çudiçme kur i degjon kto fial nga profesoret dhe nga 'Akademiket tan' ?! Sipas tyre ne duhet ti zhdukim gjith fialet sinonime dhe te lem vetem nga ni fial per çdo emertim?!

Po (j)apim me poshte zgjedhimin e folies 'ry = ri' ' ne format si do zgjedhoei sot, ne menirat baze (Defto're, Lidho're e Urdhero're) siç kemi dhene me larte folien 'hyj', dhe ne format si e kam gjet une ne ndertimin e fialeve te greq. se lashte. Kte folie e kan ek fare glutaret tan nga fialori, kur ate e perdor akoma i gjith populli shqiptar.

Folia:      Ry(ri')

Menira:            Defto're

Koha:  E tashme     E pa kry'      E kry e thieshte

sot   -si qe ne      sot  -si qe ne   sot -si do qe ne

greq. e lashte      gr. e lashte      gr. e lashte

ryj      -ri         ryja   -ri-a     ryra   -rir-a

ryn     -rin        ryje   -ri-e     ryre   -rir-e

ryn     -rin        rynte  -rin-te   ryri   -rir-i

ryjmë  -ri-m       rynim -rin-im   rymë  -ri-m

ryni    -ri'ni       rynit  -rin-it    rytë   -ri-t

ryjnë   -ri'ne      rynin  -rin-in   rynë   -rin

Shikoni dhe deformimet e bera nga gjutaret tane.

Menirat: Lidho're (koha e tashme); Urdhero're (k.e tashme)

sot      -si qe ne greq. e lashte  sot  -greq. e lashte

   ryj     -t-ri                  ryr    -rir

   rysh   -t-ris(rysh)           ry     -ri

   ryj     -t-ri

   ryjmë  -t-ri-me

   ryni    -t-rini                ryni   -ri'ni

   ryjnë   -t-rine

Format qe kio folie gjendet ne ndertimin e fialeve te greq. se lashte, eshte e nit me format e menirave defto're, lidhore dhe urdhero're qe une kam nenvizu' me siper(ri, rin, rini, rine, rir, rish) te ndertu' kto me gjithe zanoret sikurse: 'ra, ran, rani, rane, rar, rash(rysh)' etj, dhe (j)an forma te ngjashme me ato te folies simoter 'hy = i', dmth se gjendet ne gjithe format e me siperme. Kio folie se bashku me 'hyi; hy = i' jan te gjues shqipe dhe (j)an foliet kyçe ne ndertimin e fialorit gjusor europian, se greket e lashte jan dy fiset Illire (Ionet e jugut qe u perzien ne 1200-900 me Doret(gegnia) e veriut). Kte e verteon edhe zberthimi i gjues se lashte Elline(= illine = illire) qe zbertheet vetem me shqipen dhe aspak me greqishten e sotme. Kte e thon dy istorianet e lashte grek Irodoti e Thukidhidhi, faqe 77-78 e historis se lasht greke qe beet ne shkollat e mesme greke(ne Likio), botim i 2007-2008, ku dhe emri ’ellin, illin’ u dha nga fisi i Dorve (= gegenia) te zbritur ne Pelopones.

Greket e lashte (= Illinet = Illiret) kishin dy fise te mdha (Doret=gigenia dhe Ionet e jugut te Illirise), dhe i vetmi popull qe i ka edhe sot kta dy fise te mdha jan shqiptaret.

Pra nuk ekziston ‘Greqi’ por 'Illiri = Illini'.

Ellin (= Illin) = Illir eshte me dialektin e Dorve (= gigenis), qe perdorin me shume ‘i,in’, nga ‘i, ir; ri’ qe perdor jugu, si: ’gegeni, Shqipni, emni, Illini; -veriu = gegeri, Shqiperi, emeri, Illiri', -qe perdoren ne jug.


The conjugation of the verbs "i = hy = enter'’, and "ri = ry = enter’’ is layout the way they have been used in the antiquity. These Albanian verbs, which are built with all kinds of vowels, are the basis for building up a linguistic vocabulary, because Albanians (two Illyrian tribes ''Ionian and Doric''), are real ancient Greeks.

Below we will give the conjugation of the verb ''hy = i'' (enter) according to the mood of today and the mood that is in ancient Greek, regarding the word construction, a verb which has been basic in construction of the words of ancient Greece, and all of European ones (together with the verb ''ryj = ri = enter"), built with all the vowels, so that to increase the range of the words and diversity among words, and the words to be diversified, differentiated and distinct among them, verbs which exist only in Albanian (Shkip) and never in other European languages, but deformed in ''hyj" (enter) and "ry, ryj'' (enter).

These verbs are the basis for creating the linguistic dictionary since the beginning, because since their creation of all living beings used to communicate by means of sounds, because it is the sounds (vowels) that possess the ability to penetrate through distance and not consonants; likewise'' verbs "i in, ir, ish; ri, rin, rish'' (built through all kinds of vowels) are the only verbs that express action (move, direction). It is true that Phoenicians and ancient Egyptians did not write vowels in their writing, but that does not mean that they didn't express them.

During conjugation we will see the deformation that has occurred to this verb as a result of the Ottoman occupation and of the new Albanian alphabet which consists of 36 letters (12 letters more than ancient Greek), and established by the Congress of Monastery (in Macedonia) in 1908, an Alphabet that has been based on the transformed language of the people and on the possibility of a multilateral expression. These deformations have been going on even after the liberation of the country.

The linguist should not go after the deformations which are made by the people over a period of hundreds and thousands of years, but to correct those errors; this is why they are called "linguists". It's like an army that goes wherever it wants to go, and the commander follows the army instead of leading it. This is not called an army, it is not called order, and this army can never win the war.

This was done without a prior and accurate study of the ancient Greek and of its connections with Albanian, which has led to deformations of many words from their original of the ancient Greek; deformations that were increased in number even more from the elaboration of language and Albanian grammar during the years of socialism, when were vainly added at the end of the verb suffixes ''-ar'' as in '' mun(d) - u'- ar = mund - hy-hyr (may-enter-enter);   -in which the vowel "i" was replaced by the ''j'';  -quite randomly was inserted "h", as were added many letters in many other words, by so sidetracking them from the original, and many, many other changes, and also by inserting two additional vowels ''y" and "ë" that were not before.

One of the biggest mistakes was taking away the Gheg dialect (gegërishte, gegënishte) along with its disappearance were also disappeared many important word formations of the ancient Greek.

The verb "Hyi; Hy = i = enter" (see the deformations made to the verb "i = hy, hyj = enter" in the new writing of Albanian, in which (h, y, j) and (ë) are added).

Indicative mood

Present tense                          Imperfect                                Simple past

(today alb.); (Ancient Greek)            (today); (Ancient Greek)       (today);   (Ancient Greek)

hyj                   -i'                     hyja                 -i'-a                 hyra                -ir-a

hyn                  -in                   hyje                 -i'-e                  hyre                 -ir-e

hyn                  -in                   hynte               -in-te               hyri                 -ir-i

hyjmë              -i'-m               hynim                         -i'n-im             hymë               -i'-m

hyni                 -i'ni                  hynit               -i'n-it               hytë                 -i'-t

hyjnë               -i'n                   hynin              -i'n-in              hynë                -in

Subjunctive mood                                          Imperative mood

(today alb.);     (Ancient Greek)                    (today alb.);    (Ancient Greek)

të hyj             -t-i'                                                     hyr            -ir

të hysh          -t-is (hysh)                                            hy             -i;

të hyjë           -t-i'

të hyjmë       -t-i'-m

të hyni          -t-i'ni                                                  hyni         -i'ni

të hyjnë        -t-in

As you can see the basic forms are those underlined: i, in ini, ir, is (hysh), but these are built with all the vowels (a, e, o, u), such as: (a, an, ar, ash; -e, en, eni, er, esh, etc.). The underlined forms are those that I also find as formation words of the ancient Greek, with a word, in all the above forms, I find out that this is an Albanian verb, not a Greek one.

The Today's Dictionary of the Albanian Language has been compiled under the direction of Professor Androkli Kostallari, revised and edited by prominent scholars (editors), as Prof. Dr. Jani Thomaj and Prof. Dr. Miço Samara(s) and others who are their assistants. Androkli Kostallari is the main author and the final editor of the whole vocabulary (according to the preface of the vocabulary). I am sorry to say, but none of these  names and last names seems to be Albanian (neither Androkli', nor Samara's).

I say this because there are many mistakes in today's Albanian dictionary. Also many key words are left out of the dictionary, words which form the ancient Greek, which belong to north Albania, and actually are in use in all Albania. How can such important words of everyday use be removed from the dictionary?!

I notice that in today's Albanian Dictionary there is missing the main basic verb that builds Greek  words, which is in everyday use throughout Albania, this is the verb "ry; ryj = enter’’,. there is another sister verb of "hy" = enter.

By "mistake", vowel "i" is replaced by consonant "j".

Useless duplications of endings have been introduced, such as: “mund-u-ar = mund + u(hy = enter) + ar(hyr = enter)”. Also, redundant letters are introduced in many words (especially: h, y, j, b, etc.);

We write the word "Evrope'', unlike all European languages, which write it "Europe''?

"Nji" is wrong, it should be written "ni'' = in, hyn; nisia, fillimi, hyria = in, enters, start, beginning. It seems to me that all this has been done to distance the Albanian language from ancient Greek as much as possible and to cover the truth.

Below I am giving the conjugation of the verb "ry; ryj = to enter’’, as it would be conjugated today, in the basic moods (Indicative, Subjunctive and Imperative moods), as we have done above with the verb "hy; hyj = i'', and in the forms as I have found in construction of the ancient Greek.

The verb: ‘’Ry; Ryj = ri = enter’’

Indicative mood

Present tense                          Imperfect                                            Simple past

Modern Gr.     Ancient Gr.     Modern Gr.     Ancient Gr.     Modern Gr.     Ancient Gr.

ryj                    -ri                    ryja                  -ria                 ryra                 -rira

ryn                              -rin                  ryje                  -rie                 ryre                 -rire

ryn                              -rin                  rynte               -rinte              ryri                  -riri

ryjmë              -ri-m               rynim              -rinim                         rymë               -rim

ryni                             -ri'ni                rynit                            -rinit               rytë                  -rit

ryjnë                -ri'n                 rynin               -rinin               rynë                -rin

Assistant more important role in the formation of words of the ancient, plays the verb ‘'jam = am'’, in the form ''is'' as: ''i, a, e, o, u; as, is, es, os; aste, iste, este, oste; ad, ed; at, et = a, e; ash, ash, esh; ishte; eshte, ashte; -who are today's forms of use in Albanian language.

During the reading of this etymological dictionary, will understand that it is not just an etymological dictionary of comparative method with the close words (which are considered the oldest words), but it is finding the root of the words that are verbs ''i; ri = hy; ry = enter''. By breaking down the exact words are also found defects of Albanian writing.

In  etymological dictionary of the ancient Greek ''The Truth / Who Are You Greek ...?'' by Margarit K. Nilo, via this route dismantling is done and proof that ancient Greek is built on the basis of Albanian, made unions of the words, who have added' and suffixes, which took place at the time of the birth of writing and formulation of print language. This diffraction of ancient Greek is done mostly on the basis of the northern Albanian language, that proves the sayings of two ancient Greek historians Irodoti and Thukidhidhi that (H)elens came from the north.

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