E premte, 20.09.2024, 07:55 PM (GMT+1)

Shtesë » English

Mother Teresa wins Nelson Mandela icon vote

Mother Teresa garnered more votes than Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Sir Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi ? even Jesus Christ. Mother Teresa has beaten off strong competition to be awarded the mantle of...

Will the real Mr Kadare please stand up?

Ismail Kadare won the Man Booker International Prize in 2005 but few people know what this Albanian man is like, so I thought I'd try to find out while he was passing through London. I sit with Mrs Kadare in the foyer...

Xhevat Rexhaj: Die Schweiz und Kosova

Von der Schweiz erzählte mein Vater erstmals, als ich sieben Jahre alt war. Da berichtete er von seinen Erlebnissen im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Er wurde 1941 als Kriegsgefangener der deutschen Wehrmacht von Kroatien...

Interview: Ismail Kadare

Ismail Kadare wrote for decades under Enver Hoxha's brutal communist regime in Albania, was suspected of spying and threatened with punishment for subversive writing. Despite all this, at 72 he is serene...

The Siege by Ismail Kadare

In the eyes of western Europeans, Albania has long had about it an aura of mystery and exoticism. Ismail Kadare (the country's leading novelist and winner of the Man Booker International prize in 2005) played a riff on this...

Agamemnon's Daughter By Ismail Kadare

THESE TALES OF repression linger in the mind for their indictment of dictators and for a tone of bleak bewilderment, that becomes furious comprehension at the depths to which regimes will sink to retain power over people...

Gëzim Alpion: From Alexander the Great to Mother Teresa

A collection of essays, Encounters with Civilizations: from Alexander the Great to Mother Teresa, by Gëzim Alpion, Professor of Sociology and Media Studies at the University of Birmingham, UK, has now been published in Kolkata...

Sarë Gjergji: Kosovo – Reinstate to Europe

Kosovo and its population, regardless of ethnicity, were in need for international assistance for getting its freedom. Come out with this, regardless of ethnicity, because non Albanians were suffering from violence of Serbian...

The Birmingham Post on Mother Teresa

Many Albanians apparently needed a figure like Mother Teresa during the 1990s. Known to the world mainly as economic migrants fleeing from poverty in Albania and as political refugees escaping from Serbian persecution in...

Gëzim Alpion: Mother Teresa: Saint or Celebrity?

In this 284 page paperback, Albanian-born writer, Gëzim Alpion, redefines our idea of this 20th century icon. The intense animosity displayed by theologians and writers against her are contextualized. Beginning with reporter...

Lakes in Albania

Lake Scutari (Albanian: Liqeni i Shkodrës), also called Skadar Lake, is a lake on the border of Montenegro with Albania, the largest lake in the Balkan Peninsula. It is named after the city Shkodra in northern Albania (Shkodër in Albanian, Scutari in Italian...

Geography of Albania

Albania has a total area of 28,750 square kilometers. It shares a 287-kilometre border with Serbia and Montenegro to the north, a 151-kilometre border with the Republic of Macedonia to the north and east, and a 282-kilometre border with Greece to the south and southeast. Its coastline is 362...


Pëllumb Gorica: Magjia e bukurive të nëntokës sulovare
Fotaq Andrea: Një vështrim, një lot, një trishtim – o Zot sa pikëllim!
Pëllumb Gorica: Grimca kënaqësie në Liqenin e Komanit
Shkolla Shqipe “Alba Life” festoi 7 Marsin në Bronx
Kozeta Zylo: Manhattani ndizet flakë për Çamërinë Martire nga Rrënjët Shqiptare dhe Diaspora