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Gëzim Alpion: From Alexander the Great to Mother Teresa
E marte, 08.04.2008, 01:26 PM
Press Release
Announcing the publication of Gëzim Alpion’s
Encounters with Civilizations:
From Alexander the Great to Mother Teresa
Calcutta, India, 7 April 2008
ISBN 10: 81-88248-05-3 (pbk); xxii, 262 pp., £9.95, $19.95, €14.95, Rs. 295
A collection of essays, Encounters with Civilizations: from Alexander the Great to Mother Teresa, by Gëzim Alpion, Professor of Sociology and Media Studies at the University of Birmingham, UK, has now been published in Kolkata by Meteor Books. The collection is edited by Gaston Roberge, Professor of Mass Communication and Film Studies, at St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata.
When some speak of ‘clashes of civilizations’, Alpion and Roberge believe that not only can civilizations co-exist peacefully, but they must encounter harmoniously if they are to survive the present globalization trends. The fifteen articles included in this book will serve as essential reading for scholars, students and general readers who are interested in encountering the ‘other’ without prejudice.
Alpion was born in Albania in 1962. He records in this book his encounters with civilizations as a student (at the Universities of Tirana, Cairo and Durham) and as a sociologist and media expert. The essays were written between 1993 and 2007 and some of them have already been published in international peer-reviewed journals and newspapers.
As an Albanian, Alpion could not but take a keen interest in Mother Teresa. He has written widely on Mother Teresa since 2003. His internationally acclaimed book Mother Teresa: Saint or Celebrity? was published by Routledge in the UK, the USA and Canada at the beginning of 2007. The Indian edition (also in English) has just been published in New Delhi by Routledge India; the Italian edition will be published by Salerno Editrice in Rome on 30 April 2008. Alpion’s Mother Teresa is perhaps the first book written by a scholar, who no doubt admires Mother Teresa but is not a ‘devotee’.
Alpion’s essays on Mother Teresa included in Encounters with Civilizations together with the essay by Roberge, ‘Mother Teresa, Abortion and the Media’, will hopefully encourage other sociologists and media scholars to approach Mother Teresa, her legacy and her relationship with the media without bias.
Canadian-born editor, Gaston Roberge, who has been living in India since 1961, believes that this collection of essays is strikingly relevant to the people of India, the cradle of ancient and rich civilizations. The experiences of the Egyptians recorded in the book will evoke a response in the hearts of many Indian readers, who will also have an opportunity to understand better their own milieu. Essays on the plight of the migrants from the Balkans to the UK, and especially the treatment of the foreign scholars in England, will ring a familiar tone to many an Indian. The book ends with a plea by Alpion to resist social closure.
However critical of certain situations, the essays are always positive and hopeful. The book has already been praised highly by numerous sociologists and media scholars.
‘Globalization has brought an increased awareness of the interconnectedness of cultures, while a historical awareness shows the hubris involved in any presumption of a privileged centre. Dr Gëzim Alpion is the ideal companion in travels across and within cultures. He brings a sensitive humanism and the eye of an acute scholar to address diverse issues of cross-cultural understanding in divided worlds. These essays will be necessary reading.’
John Holmwood, Professor of Sociology, University of Birmingham, UK
‘Academics today are expected to specialize in a subject and not attempt to address big issues so it's refreshing to find Dr Gëzim Alpion bringing an acute intelligence and critical eye to the question of civilization; what it means and how identity is shaped by religion, place, culture and society. His work is augmented by a foreword and two essays from the editor of the anthology, Professor Gaston Roberge, whose own encounters with civilizations bring an added depth to this account of a journey of discovery.’
Brian Shoesmith, Professor of Media Studies and Journalism, University of Liberal Arts, Bangladesh/Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia.
Encounters with Civilizations: From Alexander the Great to Mother Teresa and Dr Alpion’s other two new books – If Only the Dead Could Listen (Chapel Hill, NC, USA: Globic Press, 2008), and Madre Teresa: Santa o Celebrità? (Rome: Salerno Editrice, 2008) – will be launched at a special event in London hosted by the Right Honourable Gentleman, Mr John Grogan, Member of the British Parliament for Selby, at the House of Commons, on Friday 25 April 2008 from 16:00 to 18:00.
For more information please contact:
§ Professor Gaston Roberge, St. Xavier’s College, 30 Mother Teresa Sarani, Kolkata, 700 016 India; Tel: +91 33 2255 1155; E-mail:
§ Dr Gëzim Alpion, Department of Sociology, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK; Tel: +44 (0)121 414 2341; Mobile: +44 (0)787 651 2001; E-mail:;
Encounters with Civilizations:
From Alexander the Great to Mother Teresa
Acknowledgments x
Foreword by Gaston Roberge xiii
Part One: Albania 1
1. An interview with the ghost of Muhammad Ali, former ruler of Egypt 3
2. Kosova – a corner of Europe still waiting for peace 11
Part Two: Egypt 17
3. Foreigner complex 19
i. When in Rome 19
ii. Back to the army 21
iii. Enslaved by the slaves 22
iv. Complete apathy 24
v. Cultural invasion 26
vi. Cracked but not broken 27
vii. Becoming foreign to become Egyptian 30
viii. The making of Egypt’s politicians 32
ix. Egypt for the Egyptians 34
4. Egyptian coffee shops 38
i. The ancient drinking-places 38
ii. The advent of coffee 40
iii. The Alexandrian bursa 41
iv. The Cairo club 44
v. The rural gharza 46
5. The Bride of Hapi – female sacrifice and cosmic order 50
i. The genesis of the rite 50
ii. The drowning 54
iii. The revival 55
6. A parade of porters 59
i. The Nubian doorman 59
ii. The peasant bowab 61
iii. The simsars in their prime 63
iv. Today’s bowab 65
Part Three: United Kingdom 69
7. If Only the Dead Could Listen (a tragedy) – Scene Four 71
Synopsis (Scenes 1, 2 and 3) 72
Scene 4 73
Synopsis (Scene 5) 85
8. Images of Albania and Albanians in English literature – from Edith Durham’s High Albania to J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter 86
9. Western media and the European ‘other’ – images of Albania in the British press 97
i. Introduction 97
ii. Expanding the Orient 97
iii. Racial prejudice towards the Balkans 101
iv. Identity crisis 104
v. The exotic archive 106
vi. The Death of the Journalist 115
vii. The price of biased journalism 117
viii. The media and double standards 123
Part Four: India 127
10. Oh! not Calcutta! 129
11. Media and celebrity culture – subjectivist, structuralist and post-structuralist approaches to Mother Teresa’s celebrity status 131
12. A review of Hiromi J. Kudo’s book Mother Teresa: A Saint from Skopje 153
13. A note on Gëzim Alpion’s book Mother Teresa: Saint or Celebrity?
By Gaston Roberge 157
14. Mother Teresa, abortion and the media
By Gaston Roberge 159
Introduction: In praise of Mother Teresa 159
Part One: Mother Teresa’s thought about abortion 160
Part Two: How Mother Teresa talked about abortion 166
a. A prophetic approach 166
b. The Nobel Prize for Peace: acceptance speech and
Nobel lecture 168
Part Three: How the media reported Mother Teresa’s statements about abortion 170
a. The Nobel Prize for Peace 171
b. A feature film on Mother Teresa 173
Conclusion: The logic behind Mother Teresa’s concern about abortion 175
Envoi: ‘No’ to social closure 179
15. Brain down the drain: an exposé of social closure in Western academia 181
i. Introduction 181
ii. The modern workhouse 181
iii. Brain drain: a new chapter of an old story 185
iv. Dictatorship and intellectual exodus 188
v. Between myth and reality 190
vi. An Italian and Japanese affair 197
vii. The long journey home 198
viii. Defining the ‘ethnic’ 199
Notes 204
Select bibliography 227
Index 242