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BDSH: Request to USA and EU

E hene, 03.05.2010, 12:49 AM


Request to USA and EU


(Through their diplomatic missions in Skopje)


- We request that the current Prime Minister of Macedonia, N. Gruevski is placed on the “American blacklist" and "EU blacklist" as a person who plans, exercises and supports institutional violence against Albanians in Macedonia, which promotes interfaith and interethnic conflicts that impede the implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement.


- We request that the U.S. and EU, as mediators of the Ohrid Framework Agreement, to organize an International Conference in order to stop Macedonia's application of racial discrimination against the Albanians and exert the necessary pressure to impose the full implementation of this agreement.


Respected Ladies

Respected Sirs,


In many reports of governmental and non-governmental organizations for protection of human rights, Macedonia's government was denounced as the main cause of promoting ethnic and religious conflicts.

Since coming to power (2006), Nikola Gruevski's VMRO has mobilized the entire old anti-albanian arsenal to degrade the political, economic, social and cultural rights of Albanians in Macedonia:

-                      They banned the use of the Albanian national flag;

-                      Publicly declared that the Albanian language in parliament will never be an official language in Macedonia;

-                      Organized the police and military expeditions against Albanian settlements, culminating with the massacre of Brodec;

-                      Intensified judicial processes against Albanians in general, and former KLA soldiers in particular;

-                      The discrimination of Albanians in employment continues;

-                      Prevented investment in the Albanian settlements;

-                      Intensified robbing small and medium Albanian businessmen;

-                      Began the campaign of planting Orthodox crosses in the territories inhabited by the Albanian majority;

-                      Imposed the Macedonian language for Albanian students from the first grade of primary education;

-                      Removed the Albanian inscriptions;

-                      Imposed the use of Macedonian language and banned the Albanian language at the administration;

Voted many other decisions and laws that are in violation of the spirit of the Ohrid Framework Agreement.


This conflict stimulating policy has created an explosive situation where even smaller sparks can ignite a conflict with incalculable consequences.

Concerned by this situation, the missions of U.S., EU, NATO and OSCE in Skopje asked from "all sides to redouble their commitment to inter-ethnic harmony and refrain from any action that might cause tensions”.

This request was welcomed by most political forces in Macedonia, except Nikola Gruevski, who ignored it publicly, stating that "the international community's response has nothing to do with him."


He did not stop with that. With concrete actions, he sent a clear message that he is not interested to stop promoting conflict.

Instead of amnesty and abortion of assembled judicial processes, that would reduce tensions and anger caused by the dictated political logic over the judiciary, he ordered the Skopje Court to condemn the three Albanians to life in prison.


Dear Ladies

Dear Sirs,


This antidemocratic and anti-Albanian policy of VMRO and its leader Mr N. Gruevski represents dangerous political adventure destabilize the country and region.

Albanian Democratic Union urges the U.S. and EU, as mediators in the Ohrid Framework Agreement, the current Prime Minister of Macedonia Mr. M. Gruevski to enter the “American blacklist" and "EU blacklist”  as a person who plans, exercises and supports institutional violence against Albanians in Macedonia and that impedes the implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement.


Dear Ladies

Dear Sirs,


Albanian Democratic Union considers that the U.S. and EU, as mediators in the Ohrid Framework Agreement, should organize an international conference in order to prevent Macedonia’s application of racial discrimination against the Albanians and exert the necessary pressure to impose the full implementation of this agreement.


Albanian Democratic Union

Bardhyl Mahmuti

May the 3rd, 2010


(Vota: 1)



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