E shtune, 27.07.2024, 10:45 AM (GMT+1)

Shtesë » English

Nje leter ne mbrojtje te Kosoves, nga prof. Peter R. Prifti, drejtuar editorit te Tennis Magazine?

E premte, 30.01.2009, 04:24 PM

San Diego, January 24, 2009

TENNIS Magazine Editorial Office

79 Madison Ave., 8th Flr.

New York, NY 10016

Dear Editors:

A couple of days ago, I was watching the Delic-Djokovic tennis match in the Australian Open. Commentator Cliff Drysdale was giving background information on the lingering political tensions between Croatia (native land of Delic), and Serbia (native land of Djokovic). Then, he showed a map on the TV screen of the current states of former Yugoslavia: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, and Macedonia, but to my SURPRISE and SHOCK left out the new state of KOSOVO, a former province of Serbia!

Where has Drysdale been during the past year? Kosovo declared its independence on February 17, 2008, an event that made media headlines all over the world. I was doubly shocked when none of his colleagues on the commentators desk corrected him, presumably because they don?t know either that KOSOVO is the 7th and last nation to gain independence in what was once Yugoslavia.

Kindly pass the word to Mr. Drysdale, so that he does not make the same error again, and, more to the point, CORRECT the misinformation he broadcast to millions of people watching the Australian Open.

Respectfully yours,

Peter R. Prifti

San Diego, California

(Vota: 3 . Mesatare: 3.5/5)



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