E diele, 26.01.2025, 08:26 AM (GMT)


Kujto.Al: Dokumentari "Varret pa Emër" ("Unmarked Graves")

E diele, 25.07.2021, 08:33 AM

➡️Regjimi totalitar komunist në 45 vite e ktheu territorin e Shqipërisë në një varrezë masive. Statistikat zyrtare njoftojnë vdekjet, me dhe pa gjyq, të mijëra kundërshtarëve të regjimit, ndersa familjarët e tyre kerkojne me shpresë prej dekadash te gjejne eshtrat e tyre e t’u ndërtojnë një varr. Anash lumenjve, në male, pranë burgjeve, apo kampeve-burgje, pranë reparteve ushtarake, apo dhe pranë fshatrave të banuara, gjenden varre të humbura të përdorura nga ish-sigurimi i shtetit për pushkatimin dhe më pas varrosjen e kundërshtarëve politikë. ➡️Dhjetra dëshmi të familjarëve dhe shume dokumente arkivore na vijnë në ndihmë, për të krijuar një perceptim më të qartë mbi shtrirjen e këtyre vendvarrimeve sekrete dhe krijimin e kësaj harte dixhitale që do të pasurohet me informacione hap pas hapi. ➡️ https://kujto.al/harta-e-vendvarrimeve/ *** "Unmarked graves" ➡️The 45-year-long communist totalitarian regime turned Albanian territory into a mass grave. Official statistics indicate the deaths of thousands of opponents to the regime – with or without trial – whereas their families still look for them, hoping for decades on end to find their bodies and bury them properly. Throughout the territory of Albania, by the rivers, mountains, close to the prisons and prison camps, military units, or even inhabited villages, there are lost graves, used by the former State Security (Sigurimi) to execute and then bury political opponents. Tens of testimonies from family relatives and numerous archival documents help us draw a better picture on pinpointing these secret burial sites and creating this digital map, which whill be enriched with information step by step. *** ➡️This documentary was produced by the Kujto Foundation The initiative is facilitated by ICMP (International Commission on Missing Persons) and AIDSSH (Authority for Information on Former State Security Documents) with the financial support of European Union in Albania and the Embassy of Switzerland in Albania, in the framework of the project: "Raising public awareness of transitional and reconciling justice: addressing the issue of missing persons during the communist period" *** ⏹️Project Manager - Blerina Gjoka ⏹️Script - Admirina Peçi ⏹️Graphics - Rezart Shehu ⏹️Camera -Digital Brand ⏹️Production - CreativeStuff ⏹️Narration - Myzafer Zifla ⏹️Translation - Kelvin Zifla ➡️We would like to thank: ⏹️Museum of Secret Surveillance: "House of Leaves", Tirana ⏹️"Site of Witness and Memory" Museum, Shkodra * The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the ICMP, the Authority, the EU, and the Swiss government.



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