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Don Lush Gjergji: Who Dr. Ibrahim Rugova Was, Is, and Will Be!
E hene, 12.02.2024, 07:55 PM
Who Dr. Ibrahim Rugova Was, Is, and Will Be!
Don Lush Gjergji
5 February 2024,
European Parliament, Strasbourg
18 years since his passing and 80 years since his birth, after so many
perspectives and analyses, for me, the central question remains who the
Historic of President of Kosova, Dr. Ibrahim Rugova, was, is and will be!
this question is essential, but that is based on my own personal experience,
friendship, brotherhood, knowledge of and cooperation with Dr. Rugova, and it
is not intended to impose it on anyone, as a good Latin saying goes: Quot
capita, tot sentetiae (so many heads, so many opinions).
light of this, in my perspective, Dr. Ibrahim Rugova was first a fruit of holy
providence, an also a product of the dramatic history of the time—a time which
hinged on the matters of life and death, light and darkness, good and bad,
freedom and enslavement, lies and truths, democracy and dictatorship, existence
and destruction, which could all be summed up the Shakespearean way with the
famous saying—to be or not to be.
Dr. Ibrahim Rugova, we, the Albanians of Kosova and beyond, stood on the side
of life, justice, light, freedom, democracy, and independence through peaceful
and non-violent means.
did not arrive at these determinations, commitments and brave and visionary
directions easily, but through a very tough philosophical journey based on the
history of our Illyrian and Arberian predecessors as well as that of our
Mediterranean and European region, and in accordance with the school of thought
of Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Havel, and especially Pope John Paul II, and
Mother Teresa.
starting point was very pragmatic: it is better to be a live donkey than a dead
bear; which meant that it was essential to save the existential being of our
people, in accordance with Mother Teresa's postulate: give your best.
expressed this with these words: "Our powerful weapons are antiquity,
tradition, culture, roots, and our identity, as well as our youth... Albanian
intellectuals want to serve the people. What do we need, a Kosovo diminished by
massacres or exclusions?... Now it is crucial to save the people. We will seek
from the international community a transitional phase, international
protectorate for several years, then we will work together for the independence
of Kosovo... Two personalities have positively influenced me: Pope John Paul II
and Mother Teresa..."
he was and remains a visionary, a "sower," in a way, even a
"prophet," an architect, the historic President of a free,
independent, democratic, open Kosovo, open to all, to Belgrade and Tirana,
always seeking dialogue, communication, and discussion for the good, the right,
the truth, above all life and love, which are links in the common historical
and current chain.
will never forget his life principle: "If the world recognizes who we have
been and are, what we want and how we want to achieve it, then the world will
be with us because antiquity, history, tradition, culture, civilization, our
centuries-old Christianity, above all life and justice, equality are
us... We want to seek human and democratic ways for them to accept us for who
we are without harming anyone... The people, through experience, teach and
guide us: Good comes slowly, while evil comes quickly..."
history happened – the miracle, the world was with us, with small Kosovo, with
our people, because our principles, attitudes, and our cause became the
scrutiny of the conscience of all humanity.
far-reaching mind, his great heart, his human and national culture, allowed Dr.
Ibrahim Rugova to be timely and timeless, both in the assessment of the past, history,
antiquity, and martyrdom, as well as in the projection of the future, freedom,
democracy, and independence, for the benefit and good of all.
such as: "On our side is the truth, history, the land of Kosovo, the
people... The peaceful and nonviolent strategy is a solution and a necessity to
prove that we are a people who have chosen peace through peaceful and
nonviolent means... Nonviolence is a choice, as we have remained without
police, without parliament, without government, because Serbs have expelled
Albanians from these institutions. However, the peaceful and nonviolent
strategy is more of a determination than a necessity, so that the world
investigates that we are oppressed and abandoned by all..." (Valentino
Salvoldi – Lush Gjergji, Resistenza nonviolenta nella ex - Jugoslavia, EMI
Bologna, 1993, p. 29 -30).
method, form, strategy has proven to be the best, even the only one, to avoid
the oppression or expulsion of the people, to avoid massacres and our
Ibrahim Rugova never "knew" and never wanted to defend himself, but
courageously, wisely, and very successfully, he defended the Albanian people,
especially our Kosovo, everywhere. He never "knew" and never wanted
to attack anyone, except for evil, injustice, dictatorship, hatred, falsehood,
deception, and always with the power of Truth and Love, with the persistent and
inspiring strategy of forgiveness, reconciliation, cooperation, and coexistence
with all.
appreciation for Dr. Ibrahim Rugova is this: Some write history, some remain in
history, some are history. Dr. Ibrahim Rugova writes history, remains in
history, and what is even more important, he is historical and a marvel, our
present and future, the Albanian "Gandhi," the guide and inspirer of
our freedom, independence, and democracy.