| E marte, 10.05.2022, 06:59 PM |
LIBRI SHQIP - Urë miqësie, reale dhe virtuale,
simbol vëllazerie dhe i
Paqes midis popujve dhe Kombeve
Luan Kalana
sociale, vec të tjerash, kanë krijuar avantazhe, lidhje e bashkëpunimi, unike midis lexonjesve e shkronjsve duke bëre
Librin një manifest miqësie e paqeje .
ështe e rastit, qe permes
promovimeve, shkembimeve, te mesazhve te Librit, te krijohen lidhje e miqesi te reja, jo vetem mes shqiptarvet por dhe midis
popujve te kombeve te ndryshme te botes,
me lexonjesit dhe sidomos me autoret shkrimtare, poete dhe publiciste.
po e pohoj me disa deshmi modeste nga veprimtaria ime letrare ne Shqiperi dhe
ne Amerike.Nuk do te kisha njohur aq miq,
qe jane te shumte te panumurte,
kolege e lexues, po te mos kisha
shkruar, postuar, botuar e shperndare falas, librat e mij ne Shkolla, Bibloteka,
Librari, Shoqata miq e Friends, reale e virtuale.
mund te permend Stafin e Biblotekes Kombetare te Kongresit American ne
Washingron D.C., invetarizmin e librave
te mia ne kete bibloteke, si dhe ne disa
Bibloteka e librari ne disa qytete ne Amerike,
ne Shkollat shqipe e ne shoqatat Vatra.
me shkrimtarin ish Senator dhe Governor te Florides, Prof.Bob Graham, me Presidenten e Patty Ann Wieczorek - East
Lake Community Library, Palm
Harbor-Florida, e disa te tjere. Vetem
me disa fjale,
Shqiptar, nga Shqiperia, Liber Shqip,
-dhe hapen portata e lidhjes e te miqesie letrare .
e thjeshte kjo, por sa vlere merr ne
vazhdimesi, si nje progres
gjeometrik, lidhja zgjerohet dhe
forcohet, i sheperben paqes dhe
vellazerimit, me shume se rruget
diplomatike.Pra Libri, autorsia, merr vlerat e funksionet e nje Ambasadori
real, midis popujve e kombeve ne sherbim
te miqesise e Paqes Boterore.
Luan Kalana-publicist shqiptaro-american,
Florida SHBA.
BOOK - Bridge of friendship, real and
of brotherhood and Peace between peoples and Nations.
networks, among others, have created advantages, connections and cooperation,
among readers and writers making the Book a manifesto of friendship and peace.
is no coincidence that through promotions,
exchanges, Book messages,
create new connections and friendships,
not only between Albanians but also between the peoples of different
nations of the world, with readers and
especially with writers, poets and
publicists. I am affirming this with some modest evidence from my literary
activity in Albania and in America. I would not have known so many
friends, who are numerous, colleagues and readers, if I had not written, posted,
published and distributed for free,
my books at School, Library, Library,
Friends Association, real and
I can mention the staff of the National Library of Congress in Washington
D.C., the inventory of my books in this
library, as well as in some libraries
and bookstores in some cities in America,
in Albanian schools and in Vatra associations.
with former Florida Senator and Governor writer Prof. Bob Graham, President of Patty Ann Wieczorek - East Lake
Community Library - Palm Harbor, and
several others. In just a few words,
am Albanian, from Albania, Liber Shqip, -and the gates of literary connection and
friendship are opened.
seems simple, but no matter how much
value it continuously takes, as a
geometric progress, the bond expands
and strengthens, it spreads peace and
brotherhood, more than diplomatic ways.
So the Book, the authorship, takes on the values and functions of a real
Ambassador, between peoples of nations
in the service of the friendship of World Peace.
@ Luan Kalana-albanian-american publicist, Florida USA