Zemra Shqiptare


Mesazh Festiv nga Liga Qytetare Shqiptaro-Amerikane

| E shtune, 13.12.2008, 12:42 PM |


Mesazh Festiv nga Liga Qytetare Shqiptaro-Amerikane

Per sa liga qytetare eshte perqendruar kryesisht ne ndergjegjesim kongresonal per qeshtjen e Shqiptarve ne Amerike permes lobimit ton aktiv ne Washington, ne po ashtu publikisht kemi terhek vemendje permes darkave bamirese, parade qytetare, dhe permes ngjarjeve tjera publike.
Klikoni ketu (http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=CcIJtoWchFw) ta shikoni pjesmarrjen e Shqiptaro-Amerikaneve ne paraden e dites se Columbis qe u mbajt ne kete vit ne Manhattan ne avenun e pese se bashku me komunitetin Italiano-Amerikan.

Klikoni ketu (http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=-N0c8EmLbwM)ta shikoni pjeset e segmenteve te selektuara nga darka qe kryesisht eshte e organizuar nga kisha Zonja e Shkodres ne Maj te keti viti ne Nju Jork per te ngritur fonde per Katedralen dhe qendren e kultures Nena Tereze ne Prishtine.
Ju deshirojm fat dhe lumturi ne kete sezon te festave gjithashtu ju urojm vitin e ri,
Joe and Shirley DioGuardi

Teksti anglisht:
A Holiday Message from the Albanian American Civic League
Dear Friend,
While the Civic League is primarily focused on raising Congressional awareness of the concerns of Albanians through our lobbying activities in Washington, we have also raised public awareness about Albanians by participating in benefit dinners for worthwhile charitable causes, civic parades, and other public events.

Click here to see Albanian Americans participating in this year’s Columbus Day Parade in October on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan in solidarity with the Italian American Community.

Click here to view selected segments of the dinner hosted last May primarily by Our Lady of Shkodra Church in New York to raise funds for the Mother Teresa Cathedral and Cultural Center in Prishtina.

Albanian American Civic League jjd@aacl.com
13.12.2008, 7:07:38
